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Example of a NOTcam MEF FITS header:

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard           
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel     
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
BZERO   =                32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short    
BSCALE  =                    1 / default scaling factor                         
ORIGIN  = 'NOTSA   '           / Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association
OBSERVAT= 'LaPalma        '                                                     
TELESCOP= 'NOT            '                                                     
INSTRUME= 'NOTCAM         '                                                     
DETNAME = 'Hawaii 1k - science grade array (9-173L-AZ #61)'                     
DATE    = '2006-01-15T16:49:36' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)   
DATE-OBS= '2006-01-15T16:49:26.0' / Start of sequence                           
FILENAME= 'NCpa150001.fits'                                                     
OBJECT  = 'align slits      '                                                   
TM_START=                60566 / 16/49/26           UT start time               
TM_END  =                60575 / 16/49/35           UT end time                 
COMMENT = ''                                                                    
EXPMODE = 'exp 1   '                                                            
OBSERVER= '        '                                                            
IMAGETYP= '        '                                                            
CHIPID  = 'HAWAII SWIR     '                                                    
TM-START=                60566 / 16/49/26           UT start time               
SHSTAT  = 'OPEN          '                                                      
APERTUR = '128mu WF slit'      / NOTcam aperture wheel. Step pos: 84170         
FILT1   = 'OPEN    '           / NOTcam filter wheel 1. Description             
FILT1ID =                    0 / NOTcam filter wheel 1. NOT filter number       
FILT1POS=                98438 / NOTcam filter wheel 1. Step position           
FILT2   = 'K       '           / NOTcam filter wheel 2. Description             
FILT2ID =                  208 / NOTcam filter wheel 2. NOT filter number       
FILT2POS=                70313 / NOTcam filter wheel 2. Step position           
STOP    = '15mm ring'          / NOTcam stop wheel. Step pos: 77080             
GRISM   = 'OPEN    '           / NOTcam grism wheel. Step pos: 7031             
LENS    = 'WF Camera'          / NOTcam lens wheel. Step pos: 1                 
CAMERA  =                 4250 / NOTcam internal camera step position           
DETTEMP =              -198.50 / NOTcam detector temperature                    
COLDTBL =              -201.80 / Cold Table temperature                         
OUTVESS =                 8.50 / Outer Vessel temperature                       
CNTWHEE =              -199.60 / Center Wheel temperature                       
PRESSUR =             8.63E-05 / NOTcam pressure                                
UT      =        16.8247222222 / TCS UTC at start (16h:49m:29.0s)               
ST      =        23.2996666665 / Sidereal time at start (23h:17m:58.8s)         
RA      =       349.4352607692 / Right ascention at start (23h:17m:44.46s)      
DEC     =        29.0882646376 / Declination at start ( 29d:5m:17.8s)           
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '                                                            
TELALT  =                89.76 / Telescope altitude                             
AZIMUTH =               180.00 / Telescope azimuth                              
AIRMASS =         1.0000085446 / Airmass at start (sec(z))                      
FIELD   =               -89.93 / Field rotation at start                        
ROTPOS  =               -89.99 / Rotator angle at start                         
CCDPROBE= 'ccd     '           / CCD probe                                      
AUXPOS  =                 1100 / Autoguider probe X position                    
AUYPOS  =                40000 / Autoguider probe Y position                    
AUSTATUS= 'off     '           / Autoguider status                              
TELFOCUS=                23478 / Telescope focus at start                       
TCSTGT  = 'Cadis13H'           / TCS Catalogue Entry                            
OBJRA   =         13.753166663 / Catalogue RA in decimal deg.                   
OBJDEC  =         5.8755555542 / Catalogue DEC in decimal deg.                  
OBJPMRA =         0.0000000000 / Catalogue proper motion in RA                  
OBJPMDEC=         0.0000000000 / Catalogue proper motion in DEC                 
OBJEQUIN=               1950.0 / Catalogue equinox for coordinates              
CREATOR = 'NOT2MEF V1.4.4'     / rev. date: 2005-12-19, CFITSIO V2.51           
EQUINOX =               2000.0                                                  
OBSGEO-X=         5327395.9638 / Cartesian Coordinate X                         
OBSGEO-Y=        -1719170.4876 / Cartesian Coordinate Y                         
OBSGEO-Z=          3051490.766 / Cartesian Coordinate Z                         
OBS_MODE= 'Imaging '                                                            
COMMENT keyword1 corresponds to amplifier Q1                                    
COMMENT keyword2 corresponds to amplifier Q0                                    
COMMENT keyword3 corresponds to amplifier Q2                                    
COMMENT keyword4 corresponds to amplifier Q3                                    
QCDDATE = '2005-10-26'         / Amplifier characteristics reference date       
GAIN1   =             2.18E+00 / [e-/ADU] Gain                                  
GAIN2   =             2.19E+00 / [e-/ADU] Gain                                  
GAIN3   =             2.17E+00 / [e-/ADU] Gain                                  
GAIN4   =             2.19E+00 / [e-/ADU] Gain                                  
RDNOISE1=             1.07E+01 / [e-] Read-out noise                            
RDNOISE2=             1.00E+01 / [e-] Read-out noise                            
RDNOISE3=             1.19E+01 / [e-] Read-out noise                            
RDNOISE4=             1.11E+01 / [e-] Read-out noise                            
DETSEC1 = '[1:512,1:512]'      / Location in final mosaic                       
DETSEC2 = '[513:1024,1:512]'   / Location in final mosaic                       
DETSEC3 = '[1:512,513:1024]'   / Location in final mosaic                       
DETSEC4 = '[513:1024, 513:1024]' / Location in final mosaic                     
CCDSEC1 = '[1:512,1:512]'      / Location in amplifier mosaic                   
CCDSEC2 = '[513:1024,1:512]'   / Location in amplifier mosaic                   
CCDSEC3 = '[1:512,513:1024]'   / Location in amplifier mosaic                   
CCDSEC4 = '[513:1024, 513:1024]' / Location in amplifier mosaic                 
DATASEC1= '[1:512,1:512]'      / Location of data pixels                        
DATASEC2= '[513:1024,1:512]'   / Location of data pixels                        
DATASEC3= '[1:512,513:1024]'   / Location of data pixels                        
DATASEC4= '[513:1024, 513:1024]' / Location of data pixels                      
TRIMSEC1= '[1:512,1:512]'      / Location of useful data                        
TRIMSEC2= '[513:1024,1:512]'   / Location of useful data                        
TRIMSEC3= '[1:512,513:1024]'   / Location of useful data                        
TRIMSEC4= '[513:1024, 513:1024]' / Location of useful data                      
CRX1    =            5.310E+02 / Reference pixel on 1st axis                    
CRX2    =            1.900E+01 / Reference pixel on 1st axis                    
CRX3    =            5.310E+02 / Reference pixel on 1st axis                    
CRX4    =            1.900E+01 / Reference pixel on 1st axis                    
CRY1    =            5.432E+02 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis                    
CRY2    =            5.432E+02 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis                    
CRY3    =            3.120E+01 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis                    
CRY4    =            3.120E+01 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis                    
QCRDATE = '2005-03-25'         / Instrument rotation centre reference date      

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 1024 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                 1024 / length of data axis 2                          
PCOUNT  =                    0 / required keyword; must = 0                     
GCOUNT  =                    1 / required keyword; must = 1                     
BZERO   =                32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short    
BSCALE  =                    1 / default scaling factor                         
BUNIT   = 'count   '           / Physical unit of data array                    
INHERIT =                    T / Extension inherits primary header keywords     
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Gnomonic projection                            
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Gnomonic projection                            
CRVAL1  =       349.4352607692 / [deg] RA at reference point                    
CRVAL2  =        29.0882646376 / [deg] Dec at reference point                   
CUNIT1  = 'deg     '           / Unit of 1st axis                               
CUNIT2  = 'deg     '           / Unit of 2nd axis                               
CRPIX1  =                 531. / Reference pixel on 1st axis                    
CRPIX2  =                543.2 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis                    
CD1_1   = 7.80397106359285E-08 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS          
CD1_2   = 6.38763412171371E-05 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS          
CD2_1   = 6.38763412171371E-05 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS          
CD2_2   = -7.80397106359285E-08 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS         
EXTNAME = 'im1     '           / Extension name                                 
IMAGEID =                    1                                                  
CCDNAME = 'SWIR2   '                                                            
CCDSUM  = '1 1     '           / On-chip binning factors                        
EXPTIME =                   1. / [s] Exposure time for this extension           
DATE-OBS= '2006-01-15T16:49:29.6' / Start of exposure                           
DATE-AVG= '2006-01-15T16:49:30.1' / Midpoint of exposure                        

[image data follows]