rtcnv command line options

This page gives a detailed list of all command line options for rtcnv. Most of them are similar to those of rtp, and some are rtcnv specific. For a short explanation of the most useful options, see The rtp Guide and The rtcnv Guide.

Command options with parameters

Options that have different in rtcnv and rtp are marked in bold.
-a [name]:Filename format for data files. Must be a string corresponding to the format of sscanf(). The default is "data/w%05d.fits".
-c [star]:Aperture center follows this star. Default is 0. When -M or -C option is used default is 1.
-f [name]:Search string for flat field images. Default is "flat*.fits". The string should contain a "*", and must (therefore) be in double quotes.
-i [iter]:Number of iterations for MAP mode. Defaults to 1.
-m [nsig]:In sky level processing, exclude pixels that deviate more than [nsig] sigma from mean value. Default is 3.0.
-n [num]: Number of frames to convert. Default is 1.
-o [name]:Offset between consecutive frames. Default is 1.
-r [rad]: Aperture radius in pixels. Default is the maximum that will fit in the window.
-s [size]:Start processing at frame number [num]. Default is 0.
-t [size]:Sky field to use for the sky subtraction. Default is 1 (first in list).
-w [name]:Number of target+sky fields to convert. Default is all in the original window list.
-x [size]:Aperture x-position. Defaults to the centre (excluding the first three bad columns.
-y [size]:Aperture y-position. Defaults to centre
-z [size]:Number of sky fields. Defaults to 1.

Command options without parameters

-B:Batch mode processing. Generate output file and terminate.
-C:Compute and save centering parameters.
-I:Produce individual frames
-M:Moving apertures.
-N:Non-interactive, i.e. no info and no stop when done.
-O:Individual offsets for all stars.
-R:Raw sequence. No extraction of original windows.
-S:No sky level subtraction
-X:No aperture masks.

Last modified: Monday, 31-Apr-2001 12:08:31 ACT