tcpcom keystroke commands

Number keys

0: Integration setup (start exposure etc.)
1: CCD data readout setup (area to read in full frame mode)
2: Filter, aperture and grism wheel positioning and info
3: FASU filter wheels positioning and info
4: Telescope status info
5: Telescope status info
6: CCD timing setup (debug info only)
7: CCD voltages setup (debug info only)
8: Basic tcpcom keystroke help page
8: tcpcom menu help page

Unbound command keys

e: Start integration (with current exptime)
d: Start dark integration (with current exptime)
b: Start bias integration (with zero exptime)
T: Set exptime
E: Set exptime and start integration
s: Set number of frames and start integration sequence
a: Abort integration/sequence/readout
S: Set sequence time interval
i: Make a readout test to determine maximum exptime
t: Toggle between full readout or windowed readout mode
r: Reset CCD x/y readout format
D: Make and set new data directory
N: Set the filename base
W: Set Window file name base
w: Upload the window setup list to the controller
X: Set image X-size
Y: Set image Y-size
x: Set image x-begin
y: Set image y-begin
B: Set image x and y binning factor
f: Set filter (by number)
F: Set filter sequence (list of numbers)
!: Change CCD readout amplifier(s) [A/B/dual]
@: CCD camera low level commands (know what you are doing!)
l: Start CCD temperature logging
p: PC buffer memory preparation (never mind)

Pagebound command keys

Page 0:
C: Set FITS header Comment field
o: Set FITS header Object field
O: Set FITS header Observer field
Page 1:
#: Toggle debug mode on/off
H: Toggle safe header read mode on/off
M: Toggle compute median on/off
R: Toggle safe data read mode on/off
Page 2:
G: Set grism (by number)
I: Set aperture/slit (by number)
P: Print list of filters/apertures/grisms
R: Read ALFOSC setup files
A: Initialise ALFOSC
Z: Open shutter
z: Close shutter

Page 3:
U: Set FASU A filter
V: Set FASU B filter
P: Print list of FASU filters