Data acquisition

A new, non-IDL version of the instrument user interface for ALFOSC has been developed. This was tested together with the a new BIAS program and the NOT2MEF program (the software that changes data formats into MEF and writes additional FITS headers) on the new data acquisition computer. There were a number of small problems which have been corrected but still should be tested.

Also the multi-window photometry program using its specific CCD control card was tested with the help of Roy Østensen. At first things worked fine, but at a later attempt there were suddenly many problems. This is currently being looked at and needs to be sorted-out before we can fully switch to the new data acquisition computer.

After the switch to the new data acquisition computer, the next step will be the development of the sequencer system for ALFOSC. Many of the basic parts developed for the FIES sequencer can be used, but ALFOSC is a more complex instrument which allows many different configurations and we intend to make a basic version that is slowly expanded.

Thomas Augusteijn 2006-12-04