
It was noted that the number of sequencer scripts and commands have become very extensive and having separate lists of `scripts' and `commands' (as far as there is any distinction) makes it hard for users to find things. It was agreed to combined all the sequencer scripts and commands in single lists for each instrument/system (i.e., ALFOSC, FIES, MOSCA, NOTCam, StanCam and Telescope) following a similar approach to that of the TCS. I.e., one list with `most-used commands' that only give a brief description of the function and syntax of the most used commands and scripts, one list with `all commands' grouped by functionality for quick reference, and one list with an extensive description of all commands.

It was decided to use a system in which the command/scripts themselves contain a (short and long) description of how they work, with flags indicating if it is a general or often used script, etc. This is ingested in a data base and the different web pages containing the list of commands/scripts will be generated dynamically using the data base with updated information every time people look at the web pages. Adding and/or changing commands/scripts will then automatically be reflected in the documentation. The existing commands/scripts already contain information like on which other commands/scripts they depend and the same system can also be used to check which are affected when changes are made.

Thomas Augusteijn 2010-11-19