Remote observing system

As it is now, the interface we offer for Remote Observing purposes is fully functional. This is partly achieved by removing the need to present graphical data (i.e., images) that are big or change often, which typically pose a problem when networks are involved (and specially when their latency is high). However, certain observing modes (like long-slit spectroscopy) and instruments (FIES) require as part of their operation displaying data introducing noticeable delays. As far as possible, we provide practical workarounds but this still makes the system somewhat different then when observing at the telescope, while especially the acquisition of the targets on the slit is relatively slow.

Our final objective is to basically have the same system running for remote and on-site observing and we have tested various options as part of the preparations for the NOT/OSO Nordforsk summer school in June. However, the most promising ones turned out not to be stable enough to be used reliable. Our plan is to see if we can find a proper solution before the next observing course `season' next year.

Thomas Augusteijn 2010-11-19