Comments recorded in End-Of-Night & End-Of-Run reports

As before, most comments written in the reports during period 41 were very positive, both about the observing system and the support from the staff.

There a few comments about the NOTCam observing system, mostly related to doing spectroscopy not being that straightforward. This partly referred to the description provided in the documentation, and partly to the commands and the way data is displayed. The documentation and the way the data is being displayed has been improved, and we are planning to provided scripts that make changing between imaging and spectroscopy with NOTCam easier.

There were also some comments about improving observing with FIES. One relates to the typical long exposure times with FIES. The rotator on the NOT has a limited range, and sometimes the limit is reached during an exposure. An alarm is given 30 min before the limit is reached, but the is sometime not sufficient. The time when the first alarm is given has been extended and a new command has been made that gives the specific amount of time until the limit is reached so this can be checked at any time. It was also noted that a significant improvement would be a system that automatically keeps a star centered on the fiber. We are investigating this option, but this is not straightforward.

A more general comment was about setting and saving the command parameters used in IRAF. This is being looked at.

Thomas Augusteijn 2010-11-19