Service observing

During period 44 a total of 39 and a half nights of service observing were done, excluding the 7 SOFIN nights done in service mode by Dr. Ilya Ilyin (Potsdam). Nordic service nights consisted of various more or less isolated observing nights spread throughout the semester. In addition, also in this semester there was a large number of observations that were done by the staff for the ToO and monitoring programs during technical and Nordic service nights.

In each semester we normally provide support in setting-up instruction web pages and defining observing scripts for the various ToO and monitoring programs. For semester 45 there is one monitoring program that requires observations every night in April with the standby camera StanCam. This instrument is normally not the main instrument in use, and we have been especially involved in the preparation, testing and documentation of the observations such that the execution of the observations and returning to the main instrument in use is done efficiently and smoothly. Up to now the execution of the observations have been successful and not let to any problems or time loss.

Thomas Augusteijn 2012-06-06