Comments recorded in End-Of-Night & End-Of-Run reports

As before, most comments written in the reports during period 44 were very positive, both about the observing system and the support from the staff.

As last semester, beyond some comments referring to faults that were also reported through the fault data base, there were very few comments (mostly from one person). There was one comment about the overheads being large with NOTCam. These have been reduced significantly over the least few years, and only a new detector controller will reduce this further. For the interfaces to enter catalogues and pointing-scripts it was requested to make it possible to upload ASCII files with a target list. We are looking in to this option. There were a few positive comments plus some suggestions for improvement of the fish-eye view of the night-sky from a camera at GranTeCan that we now present continuously on our weather page. The possibility to see a movie of the data from the current night or previous nights was added. It was noted that the staff on duty did not always report to the observer if they go done for the night, but it is also not so clear if there is any real need for that as it is always clear where the staff might be reached. It was mentioned that the print out of one of the observing cookbooks was out of date and it was replaced with an updated version.

Thomas Augusteijn 2012-06-06