Comments recorded in End-Of-Night & End-Of-Run reports

As before, most comments written in the reports during period 46 were very positive, both about the observing system and the support from the staff.

Most comments in the end-of-night reports referred to the weather and faults that were also reported through the fault data base. Only in the end-of-run reports some specific comments were made about the observing system and the general facilities. There was one comment about the torches we provide to move at night between the telescope and the service building being in bad shape. We are looking at purchasing some new, different types of lamps. It was also noted that if there is light in the workshop or electronics lab in the service building this can be clearly seen from the outside during the night. There were various windows with only normal curtains, and proper blinds were purchased and have been installed. The few comments about the observing system are addressed in the specific sections below.

Thomas Augusteijn 2013-05-10