
The automatic ``alfosc.easyflat'' script has been updated to allows exposure levels up to 250000 ADU instead of 150000, to be able to obtain more flats per twilight. The script will also be expanded to automatically generate combined flat fields from the acquired data for quality control and quick look post-processing purposes.

The Photometric Standard stars web page have been expanded to include u'g'r'i'z' data from SDSS fields. The idea is to also update the Exposure Time Calculator to include the SDSS filters.

To optimise a fast-photometry mode using the new CCD controller and data acquisition system we are defining how we can provide time-series observations with minimal overheads to effectively replace the fast-photometry mode available with the old detector controller. Preliminary tests have shown that for a 100x100 pixel readout window on the detector, a reduction in the fixed overheads in the order of 50% can be made. More development on generating the correct FITS header for short cycle times is being made.

Thomas Augusteijn 2013-12-02