Comments recorded in End-Of-Night & End-Of-Run reports

As before, most comments written in the reports during period 51 were very positive, both about the observing system and the support from the staff.

In general, there were very few comments, mostly referring to the weather or faults that were also reported through the fault data base. A suggestion was made as for a better weather forecast to use. This was implemented. It was also noted that the focusing of the autoguider camera is not always optimal. We are working on improving this. When using StanCam as fiber viewer for FIES, the scaling of the image size is not specifically set, while the contrast settings for the images are changed with each new image. These parameters are now set to specific values when fiber viewing for a specific observation is started. It was suggested to make some standard commands that would combine various commands that would normally be executed together (e.g., when taking a number of BIAS images, setting the image header, setting the exposure type, and executing a `dark' exposure command will be executed in sequence). This is just an example of a much larger set of `standard' commands we are planning to make. In fact, as part of the Observing Block generator (see below), these kind of command sequences are already generated as part of complete observing scripts.

Thomas Augusteijn 2016-05-05