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Call for Proposals
PERIOD 46: OCTOBER 1, 2012 - APRIL 1, 2013

The Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) invites applications for observing time in Period 46, October 1, 2012 - April 1, 2013

The deadline for receipt of the applications is: Wednesday, May 2, 2012, at UT 12.00 noon.

The Call for Proposals is available in the following formats:

Retrieving the NOTFORM package



Upon connection, use "anonymous" or "ftp" as username and give your name or e-mail address as password.

  1. ftp (anonymous login)
  2. ftp> cd pub/proposal
  3. ftp> binary
  4. ftp> get NOTFORM-46.tar
  5. ftp> quit

Unpacking the package:

To unpack the retreived tar file in your current directory, use the following UNIX command:

  • tar xvf NOTFORM-46.tar
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