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Arguments"Comment in quotes" [file1 file2 ...]
Short DescriptionSet a comment in the last image (or the specified ones, if any) using the LOGCOMME keyword
Long DescriptionWhen invoked with just the comment, it will be applied to the latest available image with a prefix for the current night (which starts at noon) and the sequencer's instrument.

If image names are provided, the program will test the existence of ALL them before applying the change.


        $ alfosc.log-comment "This is a comment"
        $ alfosc.log-comment "Comment for two" ALug170154 ALug170155
Notice that there's no need to add the ".fits" after each image's name

If no arguments are provided, a usage message is displayed

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Last Update0000-00-00 00:00:00
Back to top Last modified: November 28 2023