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P52-013: Origin of flares and spots on A-stars

Monitoring program instructions

PI: Heidi Korhonen, FINCA, Turku University, Finland

M.G. Pedersen, and V. Antoci, SAC, Aarhus University, Denmark
J. Viuho, Helsinki University, Finland

Background information

Recent observations with the Kepler satellite suggest the presence of flares in about 1.5% A-type stars, as well as spot-like variations in the their light curves. With the FIES monitoring we will probe one of the possible explanations for these theoretically unexplained results by searching for RV changes induced by potential companions.

We will observe 9 flaring A-type stars at two different epochs during P52 to investigate possible radial velocity variations.

Observing setup

Instrument: FIES
Observing time: 1500-3600 sec per target
Instrument setup: fibre 3 (med-res)
Observing constraints: For most of the targets no weather or seeing restrictions but in case of bad seeing and/or thin clouds please increase the exposure time to compensate. We are aiming at S/N of approximately 50. The three faintest targets have seeing restriction of 1.3" and clear conditions.

  RA Dec V mag Exp time finding chartPriority
KIC6219684 19:43:54.781 +41:30:11.31 12.1 2 x 1300sec KIC6219684.jpg high
KIC5898780 19:50:42.590 +41:06:06.92 12.8 2 x 1800sec KIC5898780.jpg high
KIC7047141 19:42:18.334 +42:31:14.98 12.7 2 x 1800sec KIC7047141.jpg high
KIC7978512 19:50:17.969 +43:45:03.39 12.3 2 x 1500sec KIC7978512.jpg high
KIC7097723 18:57:32.959 +42:41:47.94 11.7 1800sec KIC7097723.jpg
KIC9216367 19:24:20.868 +45:39:16.72 12.1 2 x 1300sec KIC9216367.jpg
KIC10971633 19:19:05.019 +48:27:52.72 11.5 1500sec KIC10971633.jpg
KIC10489286 19:53:07.946 +47:41:48.99 11.8 1800sec KIC10489286.jpg
KIC8044889 19:47:56.448 +43:48:13.10 12.6 2 x 1800sec KIC8044889.jpg

In each case the target is the bright star in the middle of the finding chart.

One ThAr calibration should be obtained during the night whenever the targets are observed. Even if more targets than one are observed, one ThAr is enough during the night. Standard FIES calibrations should be obtained in the afternoon before the observing night.

Observing dates and target(s)

Visibility plot for today for the targets stars.

All the targets should be observed twice during the period 52, once in September-November 2015 and once in March 2015.
All observations are queued in the main OB queue.

The schedule of these observations still needs to be confirmed.
Proposed possible observing dates:

September 18, until about 2UT
September 26, until about 2UT
October 23, until about 23 UT
October 26, until about 23 UT
November 04, the first ~2 hours of the night
November 13, the first ~2 hours of the night
November 14, the first ~2 hours of the night
November 21, the first ~1 hours of the night
November 22, the first ~1 hours of the night

March 09, the last ~2 hours of the night
March 10, the last ~2 hours of the night
March 13, the last ~2 hours of the night
March 15, the last ~2 hours of the night
March 16, the last ~2 hours of the night
March 19, the last ~3 hours of the night
March 22, the last ~3 hours of the night
March 23, the last ~3 hours of the night
March 30, the last ~3 hours of the night
March 31, the last ~3 hours of the night

In the afternoon:

  • Set FIEStool running to get quick reductions of all the FIES spectra during the night

  • Run fies-calibs for fibre 3:

    fies.fies-calibs -fib 3

During the night

You can find all the observing scripts in the folder ~/scripts/52-013/.


  • If you have been observing with some other instrument than FIES, run


  • Go to the program directory ~/scripts/52-013/ in the StanCam sequencer

  • Set the observer name, object name and rempath and set remsave on: P52-013
    fies.rempath /data/service/52/013

  • Before the science observations take one ThAr spectrum with fibre 3

    fies.lamp 7 off

  • Exposure times for all the targets are given above

  • Run one or more of the OB-generator scripts.

    These scripts will:
    - add the target coordinates to the TCS catalogue
    - slew to the target and start guiding
    - start target acquisition for fibre 3 : remember that user actions are required.
    After the target is acquired on the fibre, the script will take spectra of the target.

  • Make sure that the star stays on fibre during the exposure.

  • The stars are faint for the default StanCam filter. You may want to change the StanCam filter from B to g': use ccd-filter 6 when the movie has started.

  • After each script finishes, please update the progress of the finished OB-group in the OB queue interface and in the new EON-report section for monitoring programs.

Send any questions about the program to

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