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In case of a ToO request:

What am I required to do?

     The NOT-OPC has given an override status to the FRB rapid response program. Time allocated to this program is maximum 2 hours per night and an accumulated total amount of 1.6 hours in period 51. Any observer at the NOT must be willing to carry out the observations. Authority to interrupt ongoing integrations is approved by the OPC (See also Rules for Target-Of-Opportunity programmes). The observer will be acknowledged in any paper based on these observations and be offered co-authorship of resulting papers.

What information will I get?

     The FRB team will send an email to the observer with full instructions on what to observe and
     how to carry out the observations. It will consist of:

- The FRB coordinates and an error radius + finding charts.
- When the observations should be performed.
- What kind of observations should be carried out.

This webpage was last updated on 2014 April 1 (seriously). Please send comments or suggestions to