Extragalactic objects
M87, imaged in i, V, B with ALFOSC. Jet from central supermassive black hole clearly visible.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
Stephan's Quintet
Stephan's Quintet, imaged in R,V,B + H-alpha with ALFOSC.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
Messier 74
Messier 74 galaxy imaged in R,V,B + H-alpha with ALFOSC.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
NGC 7479
NGC 7479, also called the Superman galaxy, imaged in R,V,B with ALFOSC.
Carla Wengel
Abell 1689
Galaxy cluster Abell 1689, imaged in g,r,i with ALFOSC. Multiple strongly gravitationally-lensed galaxies are visible.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
Image is a composite of B(13 min), V(8 min) and R(8 min).
Jyri Näränen
M82 - The Cigar Galaxy
A nearby starburst galaxy about 12 million light years away.
Paul Anthony Wilson
NGC 6745
NGC 6745 galaxy imaged in i,r,g with ALFOSC. Compiled from scientific data with permission from PI.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
ALFOSC i,r,g data + 8 hours of STANCAM R-band data as a luminance channel. J1721+8842 (left) is a quasar which is lensed by two galaxies to produce six images. See Dux et al.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann (NOT image),
F. Dux et al. (NOT data and HST image)
NGC4216 and SN2024gy
Galaxy NGC4216 and supernova SN 2024gy, taken with ALFOSC using R,V,B filters. 20 minutes exposures for each filter.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
NGC4388 and SN2023fyq
Galaxy NGC 4388 and supernova SN 2023fyq, with ALFOSC in i,r,v filters.
Composite of 2 hours of galaxy images, together with 10 minutes of images when the supernova was bright in July 2023.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
PGC21615 and neighbors
Galaxy PGC21615 and it's many surrounding galaxies. Taken with ALFOSC using 12 minutes each of g', r' and i' filters.
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
Antenna galaxy
Two colliding galaxies, NGC 4038 and NGC 4039. ALFOSC image in B, V, R and H-alpha, with 10 minutes per filter.
Samuel Grund Soerensen,
Benjamin Nobre Hauptmann
Exposures are through C, V and R filters with an H alpha image also added
to the R-band image in order to enhance the HII regions.
Søren Larsen
October 1997
False-colour image based on U, I and H-alpha images.
Søren Larsen
October 1997
False-colour image based on U, I and H-alpha exposures.
Søren Larsen
October 1997
Image is a composite of B, V and R exposures at twilight.
Jyri Näränen, Tommy Grav and Kaare Aksnes
Image is a composite of B, V and R exposures at twilight.
Jyri Näränen, Tommy Grav and Kaare Aksnes
Einstein's Cross
Andreas O. Jaunsen and Marek Jablonski
Right: H-alpha image of galaxy IZw18, Stancam 0.6''
seeing. Image size is 7'' by 70'' at d=10 Mpc equals
3.4x3.4 kpc. Left: a B-band image of the same object
(and same orientation) based on 2 times 20 min integration.
Östlin G. and Ronnback J.
The Black Eye Galaxy. The image is a composite of B, V, and i exposures
taken at twilight.
Jyri Näränen and Brian Krog
The Black Eye Galaxy. The image is a composite of B, V, i, and H-alpha
exposures taken at twilight. The H-alpha and i bands are combined in
red colour to enhance the brightness of the star formation regions in the
prominent dust cloud.
Jyri Näränen and Brian Krog
Composite image of B, V and R filter exposures taken at twilight.
Jyri Näränen and Raine Karjalainen
Cetus A. The image is a composite of B, V, and R exposures
taken at twilight.
Jyri Näränen and Raine Karjalainen
The Spindle Galaxy. The image is a composite of B, V, and R
exposures taken at twilight.
Jyri Näränen and Raine Karjalainen
ARP 184, a peculiar galaxy.
The image is a composite of 600s V and R exposures and a 800s B
Jyri Näränen and Kalle Torstensson
The image is a composite of 550s V and R exposures and a 720s
B exposure.
Jyri Näränen and Kalle Torstensson
Together these two galaxies form the Siamese Twins. The image is a composite of 9 min. B, V and R exposures, observed with ALFOSC.
Magnus Gålfalk
Whirlpool Galaxy
ALFOSC (Open, V, B, 5 min. each and R 16 min.)
Magnus Gålfalk
Image is a composite of BVR exposures.
Jyri Näränen
Image is a composite of 10 min R and V exposures and 15 min B exposure
Jyri Näränen
NOTCam colour image using 18 min J and H band exposures.
Michael Lindberg
Imaged by ALFOSC through B, V, and R filters
Almudena Zurita Muñoz & Isabel Pérez
BVR image of the collision of NGC4567 and NGC4568.
Imaging done with ALFOSC.
Søren Mulvad, Emil Nüssler, David Thorsen and
Alexander Knudsen
March 2008
Observed with BVR filter on ALFOSC
Milan Popovic, Line Hermansen, Helle Østergaard and
Helle Rasmussen
March 2008
BVR image, observed with ALFOSC
Magnus Persson, Christoffer Lundman and Martin Lindman.
May 2007
SN 2011dh
'Before' and 'after' images of SN 2011dh in the Whirpool Galaxy (M 51) imaged with ALFOSC through B, V and R filters
Mattias Ergon
2008 - 2013
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