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The NOT FITS Header Archive

Below you find a form to access the FITS header database at the NOT.

Note that the headers of files obtained the most recent 12 months are not visible because of the proprietary period.
Calibration files are the exception, and you can search for recent calibrations below.

If you are searching for your own recent data, use the NOT Data server with a description of use here, or please contact staff for help.

Example of search for recent R-band polarimetry standard stars:

  • 1) Choose ALFOSC as the instrument
  • 2) Select Whole Sky
  • 3) Apply FITS-header filters: FARETARD = lambda/2 AND ALFLTID = 76 AND DATE-OBS > 2023-07-01
  • 4) Potentially 'Show more headers'

    JHT's preferred use:

  • 1) Choose the instrument
  • 2) Use the 'coordinates' search method
  • 3) Set the search radius to 5 arcmin for FIES
  • 4) If you want to filter on certain headers then click 'Apply additional FITS-header filter'
            and define more filters, e.g. DATE-OBS > 2014-02 AND DATE-OBS < 2014-10
  • 5) In case you want to have more than the default set of headers listed, use the 'Show more headers' menu

    Click on the link called "Example header with keyword description" in case you want to know what FITS headers to use or ask for in points 4) and 5) above.

    Archival requests

    Use the form below to find FITS files of interest.
    Compile a list of files, just filenames will do, and contact Sergio Armas who can make those data available over FTP.

    To retrieve a batch of data, we need the complete list of files you are interested in, including calibration frames.
    In case of FIES you only need to specify the file names of target frames.

    Other archival products from NOT

    This page gives an overview of the archival products on offer from our web site.

    Search The NOT FITS Header Archive

    Please choose instrument:



    Example header with keyword description: ALFOSC
    Search criteria

    Object Resolve name in Simbad

    RA DEC Radius

    Whole sky: please use at least 1 FITS-header filter below

    Apply additional FITS-header filter

    Headers to display:

    Show more headers

  • Back to top Last modified: June 24 2024