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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Apr 01 Apr 03 31-211 T. Shahbaz Spain Testing the accretion-jet model for the X-ray transient J1118+480 ALFOSC  
Apr 03 Apr 06 31-213 A.R. Lopez-Sanchez Spain Formacion estelar en galaxias "starburst" enanas en posible interaccion ALFOSC  
Apr 06 Apr 12 31-031 G. Ostlin Sweden The physical nature of dwarf starburst galaxies ALFOSC  
Apr 12 Apr 14 31-048 N. Bergvall Sweden Early type galaxies and red halos ALFOSC  
Apr 14 Apr 16 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-047 Muinonen 2H 
Apr 16 Apr 17 31-199 Various NOT Service night NOTCAM Service 31-035 Dahle 0.5N 
Apr 17 Apr 19 31-211 T. Shahbaz Spain Testing the accretion-jet model for the X-ray transient J1118+480 NOTCAM  
Apr 19 Apr 23 31-048 N. Bergvall Sweden Early type galaxies and red halos NOTCAM  
Apr 23 Apr 27 31-017 J. Fynbo Denmark Five bright z~2.5 starbursts: lensed or monster galaxies? NOTCAM  
Apr 27 Apr 29 31-031 G. Ostlin Sweden The physical nature of dwarf starburst galaxies NOTCAM  
Apr 29 Apr 30 31-199 Various NOT Service night TURPOL Service 
Apr 30 May 01 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time TURPOL  
May 01 May 05 31-005 H.E. Schwarz Chile Clearing our dust, looking back to the Big Bang TURPOL  
May 05 May 06 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-047 Muinonen 2H 
May 06 May 08 31-801 IAA Spain ALFOSC guaranteed time ALFOSC  
May 08 May 09 31-017 J. Fynbo Denmark Five bright z~2.5 starbursts: lensed or monster galaxies? ALFOSC Service 
May 09 May 10 31-035 H. Dahle Norway The widest-separation lensed QSO: A challenge for Lambda CDM ALFOSC Service 
May 10 May 12 31-301 B. Gansicke CCI Towards a global understanding of close binary evolution ALFOSC  
May 12 May 13 31-204 J. Zamorano Spain Multiwavelength analysis of populations in local star-forming galaxies ALFOSC Half night 
May 12 May 13 31-215 O. Creevey Spain Study of a new detached M-type binary system ALFOSC Half night 
May 13 May 18 31-038 B. Voss Germany Lightcurves of new candidate ZZ Ceti stars ALFOSC  
May 18 May 19 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
May 19 May 23 31-001 E. Laurikainen Finland Near-IR and optical observations of SO galaxies NOTCAM  
May 23 May 25 31-701 Stockholm University Sweden Course in observational astrophysics NOTCAM  
May 25 May 28 31-701 Stockholm University Sweden Course in observational astrophysics ALFOSC  
May 28 May 30 31-043 T. Augusteijn NOT A well defined sample of white dwarf - red dwarf binaries ALFOSC  
May 30 Jun 02 31-205 R. Oreiro Spain Searching for pulsations in sdBs ALFOSC  
Jun 02 Jun 03 31-199 Various NOT Service night ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H, 31-047 Muinonen 2H 
Jun 03 Jun 05 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time LuckyCam  
Jun 05 Jun 07 31-007 C.D. MacKay U.K. High-resolution deep imaging of damped Ly alpha host galaxies LuckyCam  
Jun 07 Jun 13 31-036 P. Hakala Finland Warps in the Accretion Disc of GX 9+9? ALFOSC 4 half nights 
Jun 07 Jun 13 31-001 E. Laurikainen Finland Near-IR and optical observations of SO galaxies ALFOSC 3 nights total 
Jun 07 Jun 13 31-199 Various NOT Service night ALFOSC Service 2 half nights 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Jun 13 Jun 14 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Jun 14 Jun 15 31-204 J. Zamorano Spain Multiwavelength analysis of populations in local star-forming galaxies ALFOSC Half night 
Jun 14 Jun 15 31-215 O. Creevey Spain Study of a new detached M-type binary system ALFOSC Half night 
Jun 15 Jun 16 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Jun 16 Jun 19 31-044 A.A. Djupvik NOT Mass determinations of embedded Class II objects in Serpens NH3 NOTCAM  
Jun 24 Jun 25 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Jun 25 Jun 26 31-199 Various NOT Service night ALFOSC Service 31-010 Solheim 0.5N 
Jun 26 Jun 29 31-209 C. Dominguez Spain Estrellas con planetas: Abundancias de Berilio y evolucion estelar IACUB  
Jun 29 Jul 03 31-019 J.-E. Solheim Norway Pulsations in "hybrid - PG 1159" stars ALFOSC  
Jul 03 Jul 11 31-219 J. Licandro Spain El experimento DEEP IMPACT en la cometa 9P/Tempel ALFOSC First hour of night 
Jul 03 Jul 07 31-049 T. Pursimo Finland Redshifts, linear sizes and spatial distribution of the most extreme AGN ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Jul 07 Jul 11 31-047 K. Muinonen Finland Physical and dynamical characterization of Near-Earth Objects ALFOSC  
Jul 11 Jul 13 31-217 J. de Leon Spain Espectroscopia visible e infraroja de asteroides cercanos de la Tierra ALFOSC  
Jul 13 Jul 14 31-199 Various NOT Service night ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H, 31-047 Muinonen 2H 
Jul 14 Jul 15 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time SOFIN  
Jul 15 Jul 21 31-013 I. Tuominen Finland Magnetic field polarity in active late-type stars SOFIN Service 
Jul 21 Jul 24 31-025 T. Hackman Finland Surface differential rotation of magnetically active single stars SOFIN Service 
Jul 24 Jul 29 31-010 J.-E. Solheim Norway A search for very young Planetary Nebulae SOFIN Service 
Jul 29 Jul 31 31-015 H. Korhonen Germany Stellar meridional flows SOFIN Service 
Jul 31 Aug 01 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Aug 01 Aug 02 31-801 IAA Spain ALFOSC guaranteed time ALFOSC  
Aug 02 Aug 03 31-043 T. Augusteijn NOT A well defined sample of white dwarf - red dwarf binaries ALFOSC  
Aug 03 Aug 06 31-027 M. Galfalk Sweden The archetypical protostar B335: Proper motion and C/J shock mapping ALFOSC  
Aug 06 Aug 08 31-210 D. Martin Spain Searching for the footprint of shock excitation in wind-driven nebulae ALFOSC  
Aug 08 Aug 14 31-301 B. Gansicke CCI Towards a global understanding of close binary evolution ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Aug 14 Aug 18 31-702 NorFA Nordic Course in observational astrophysics ALFOSC Service First half of night 
Aug 14 Aug 18 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Last half of night Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H, 31-047 Muinonen 2H 
Aug 18 Aug 19 31-199 Various NOT Service night NOTCam Service 
Aug 19 Aug 23 31-032 J. Kainulainen Finland Density distribution of cold cloud cores using NIR-photometry NOTCam  
Aug 23 Aug 24 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Aug 24 Aug 28 31-005 H.E. Schwarz Chile Clearing our dust, looking back to the Big Bang TURPOL  
Aug 28 Aug 29 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Aug 29 Aug 30 31-199 Various NOT Service night ALFOSC Service 
Aug 30 Aug 31 31-043 T. Augusteijn NOT A well defined sample of white dwarf - red dwarf binaries ALFOSC  
Aug 31 Sep 03 31-206 N. Caon Spain Structure of the low surface brightness host in Blue Compact Dwarfs ALFOSC  
Sep 03 Sep 07 31-029 I. Skillen ING/U.K. The distance scale: Eclipsing binaries and Cepheids in IC 1613 MOSCA  
Sep 07 Sep 08 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Sep 08 Sep 12 31-011 M.I. Andersen Germany Brown dwarfs, stellar evolution and lithium dating in NGC 7160 ALFOSC  
Sep 12 Sep 14 31-047 K. Muinonen Finland Physical and dynamical characterization of Near-Earth Objects ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Sep 14 Sep 15 31-212 M. Kidger Spain Defining an accurate 1-30mu flux calibration system for GTC and SIRTF ALFOSC Half night 
Sep 14 Sep 15 31-218 N.E. de la Rosa Spain Detailed study of the physics of nearby Supernovae ALFOSC Half night 
Sep 15 Sep 17 31-201 J. Casares Spain Follow-up of INTEGRAL sources: Is IGR 21247+5058 a new microquasar? ALFOSC  
Sep 17 Sep 18 31-199 Various NOT Service night ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H, 31-047 Muinonen 2H 
Sep 18 Sep 19 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Sep 19 Sep 22 31-203 M. Manteiga Spain Clasificacion de estrellas utilizando tecnicas de Inteligencia Artificial ALFOSC  
Sep 22 Sep 24 31-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 
Sep 24 Sep 26 31-202 B. Cedres Spain Formacion estelar en galaxias floculentes y de gran diseno ALFOSC  
Sep 26 Sep 28 31-034 S. Ciprini Finland Polarimetric survey of blazar candidates ALFOSC  
Sep 28 Oct 01 31-041 S. Prins NOT Multi-object spectroscopy of supernova remnants in M31 ALFOSC Service 31-003 Nowotny 1H 

Approved Target-of-Opportunity programmes, in priority order:
J. Fynbo et al.: Gamma Ray Bursts: An enigma and a tool. Max. 12 alerts, 7 nights total time. May interrupt ongoing integrations. P31-014
V. Stanishev et al.: Physics of nearby Type Ia supernovae. Max. 4 alerts with 4 follow-ups; 4 nights total time. P31-009

Approved monitoring programmes (done in service mode):
W. Nowotny: AGB stars in NGC 147 and NGC 185. Allocation: ALFOSC: 15x1 hrs. P31-003
K. Muinonen: Astrometry of Near Earth Asteroids. Allocation: 6x2 hrs (ALFOSC). P31-049

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000
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