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NORDIC OPTICAL TELESCOPE SCHEDULE, Period 36: Oct 1, 2007 - Apr 1, 2008

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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Oct 01 Oct 02 36-209 A.M. Mosquera Spain Cromaticidad en Lentes Gravitatorias ALFOSC  
Oct 02 Oct 06 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time FastCam  
Oct 06 Oct 09 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time PolCor2  
Oct 07 Oct 08 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC Service (2h) 
Oct 09 Oct 13 36-008 G. Olofsson Sweden Direct Imaging of Planetary Disks PolCor2  
Oct 13 Oct 14 36-045 P. Lundqvist Sweden Broadband Spectrum of the Pulsar and PWN of the Young SNR 3C58 ALFOSC Service (half night) 
Oct 13 Oct 14 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Oct 14 Oct 15 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Oct 15 Oct 16 36-209 A.M. Mosquera Spain Cromaticidad en Lentes Gravitatorias ALFOSC  
Oct 16 Oct 17 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC +FIES Service (4h) 
Oct 16 Oct 17 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants ALFOSC +FIES Service (half night) 
Oct 17 Oct 20 36-039 J. Kotilainen Finland The Link Between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies ALFOSC  
Oct 20 Oct 22 36-202 R. Oreiro Spain Asteroseismology of B-type Hot Subdwarfs ALFOSC  
Oct 22 Oct 23 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC +FIES Service (6h) 
Oct 22 Oct 23 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants ALFOSC +FIES Service (half night) 
Oct 23 Oct 24 36-202 R. Oreiro Spain Asteroseismology of B-type Hot Subdwarfs ALFOSC  
Oct 24 Oct 27 36-025 J. Southworth U.K. High-resolution Spectroscopy of Bright Eclipsing Binary Stars FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 27 Oct 28 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC +FIES Service (6h) 
Oct 27 Oct 28 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants ALFOSC +FIES Service (half night) 
Oct 28 Oct 31 36-025 J. Southworth U.K. High-resolution Spectroscopy of Bright Eclipsing Binary Stars FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 31 Nov 01 36-209 A.M. Mosquera Spain Cromaticidad en Lentes Gravitatorias ALFOSC  
Nov 01 Nov 02 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC +FIES Service (6h) 
Nov 01 Nov 02 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants ALFOSC +FIES Service (half night) 
Nov 02 Nov 03 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC (+school visit) 
Nov 03 Nov 06 36-003 B.G. Andersson U.S.A. Testing Interstellar Grain Alignment Theory TurPol  
Nov 06 Nov 07 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC Service (6h) 
Nov 06 Nov 07 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Nov 07 Nov 08 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Nov 08 Nov 12 36-001 P. Jakobsson U.K. Ly-alpha Emission from z>3 Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies ALFOSC  
Nov 12 Nov 16 36-010 M. Stritzinger Denmark Observations of Type Ia Supernovae Detected in the SDSSII ALFOSC  
Nov 16 Nov 17 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night NOTCAM Service 
Nov 17 Nov 18 36-206 M.R. Zapatero Spain Planetas Alrededor de Enanas Marrones de Tipo T NOTCAM  
Nov 18 Nov 21 36-039 J. Kotilainen Finland The Link Between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies NOTCAM  
Nov 21 Nov 22 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time SOFIN  
Nov 22 Nov 28 36-007 I. Tuominen Finland Magnetic Field Polarity in Active Late-type Stars SOFIN +FIES Service 
Nov 28 Dec 03 36-028 H.C. Stempels U.K. Masses and Radii of Late-type Pre-Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binary Systems FIES +SOFIN  
Dec 03 Dec 04 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Dec 04 Dec 08 36-301 J. Drew CCI An IPHAS-based Exploration of Stellar Populations in the Northern Milky Way (ITP) ALFOSC  
Dec 08 Dec 12 36-023 H. Dahle Norway Identification and Characterization of the Strongest Lenses in the Universe MOSCA  
Dec 12 Dec 13 36-801 IAA Spain ALFOSC Guaranteed time MOSCA  
Dec 13 Dec 14 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Dec 14 Dec 17 36-034 J.-E. Solheim Norway Planets Orbiting Pulsating sdB Stars ALFOSC (3 half nights) 
Dec 14 Dec 17 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service (3 half nights) 
Dec 17 Dec 18 36-208 A. Mampaso Spain La Nebulosa Planetaria A14 IACUB  
Dec 18 Dec 19 36-210 M.J. Vidal Spain Studis of 8P/Tuttle During Its Closest Approach to Earth ALFOSC  
Dec 18 Dec 19 36-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Dec 19 Dec 20 36-216 J. Knapen Spain SFR, Morphologies, and the Schmidt law for the JCMT Local Universe Survey Sample ALFOSC  
Dec 20 Dec 21 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Dec 21 Dec 22 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Dec 22 Jan 01 36-038 P.P. Petrov Ukraine Doppler Imaging of FU Orionis FIES +ALFOSC Service (10x2h) 
Dec 22 Dec 24 36-035 A. Onehag Sweden Defining solar analogues for Solar-System research with GAIA FIES +ALFOSC Service (minus 2x2h) 
Dec 24 Dec 25 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC +FIES Service (3h) 
Dec 24 Dec 25 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants ALFOSC +FIES Service (half night) 
Dec 25 Dec 26 36-210 M.J. Vidal Spain Studis of 8P/Tuttle During Its Closest Approach to Earth ALFOSC  
Dec 25 Dec 26 36-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Dec 26 Dec 29 36-303 D. Pollacco CCI The Discovery and Characterisation of New Transiting Exoplanets (ITP) FIES +ALFOSC (minus 3x2 h) 
Dec 29 Dec 30 36-029 I. Skillen U.K. The Detection of Earth-mass Planets in Exoplanetary Systems ALFOSC +FIES Service (3h) 
Dec 29 Dec 30 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants ALFOSC +FIES Service (half night) 
Dec 29 Jan 01 36-303 D. Pollacco CCI The Discovery and Characterisation of New Transiting Exoplanets (ITP) ALFOSC +FIES (minus 2x2h) 
Jan 01 Jan 05 36-210 M.J. Vidal Spain Studis of 8P/Tuttle During Its Closest Approach to Earth ALFOSC  
Jan 01 Jan 02 36-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Jan 02 Jan 03 36-299 CAT Spain CAT service time   
Jan 03 Jan 04 36-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Jan 03 Jan 04 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Jan 04 Jan 05 36-299 CAT Spain CAT service time ALFOSC  
Jan 05 Jan 11 36-023 H. Dahle Norway Identification and Characterization of the Strongest Lenses in the Universe MOSCA  
Jan 11 Jan 12 36-212 N.E. de La Rosa Spain Espectrofotometria de Supernovas en Fase Tardiva ALFOSC  
Jan 12 Jan 13 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Jan 13 Jan 14 36-212 N.E. de La Rosa Spain Espectrofotometria de Supernovas en Fase Tardiva ALFOSC  
Jan 14 Jan 15 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 15 Jan 16 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC  
Jan 16 Jan 17 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time NOTCAM+ALFOSC  
Jan 17 Jan 21 36-033 C. Reyle France Probing the Reionization of the Universe with z = 6 Quasars NOTCAM  
Jan 21 Jan 22 36-206 M.R. Zapatero Spain Planetas Alrededor de Enanas Marrones de Tipo T NOTCAM  
Jan 22 Jan 23 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 
Jan 23 Jan 26 36-303 D. Pollacco CCI The Discovery and Characterisation of New Transiting Exoplanets (ITP) FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 26 Jan 30 36-024 J. Simmerer U.S.A. Oxygen and Manganese Abundances in Metal-poor Thick Disk Stars FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 30 Jan 31 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 31 Feb 01 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Feb 01 Feb 05 36-030 S. Feltzing Sweden Characterization of the new dSph Galaxy LeoIV ALFOSC (4 half nights) 
Feb 01 Feb 05 36-037 T. Pursimo NOT Turbulence in the Ionized Intergalactic Medium ALFOSC Service (4 half nights) 
Feb 05 Feb 09 36-801 IAA Spain ALFOSC Guaranteed time MOSCA  
Feb 09 Feb 13 36-047 E. Leitet Sweden Properties and Quantification of 5 FUSE/HST Lyman Leakage Candidates ALFOSC  
Feb 13 Feb 14 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Feb 14 Feb 17 36-302 C. Benn CCI The Nature of Quasar Outflows (ITP) ALFOSC  
Feb 17 Feb 18 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Feb 18 Feb 19 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC  
Feb 19 Feb 20 36-051 J. Andersen NOT Origin of C-, r-, and s-Process Enhancements in Extreme Halo Giants FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Feb 20 Feb 24 36-203 C. Rodriguez Spain Determinacion de la Banda de Inestabilidad de Estrellas Pulsantes sdO ALFOSC  
Feb 24 Feb 25 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC Service 
Feb 25 Feb 26 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Feb 26 Feb 27 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Feb 27 Mar 02 36-001 P. Jakobsson U.K. Ly-alpha Emission from z>3 Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies ALFOSC  
Mar 02 Mar 07 36-023 H. Dahle Norway Identification and Characterization of the Strongest Lenses in the Universe MOSCA  
Mar 07 Mar 10 36-207 J.A. Lopez Spain Evolution and Dynamics of Early-type Dwarf Barred Galaxies ALFOSC  
Mar 10 Mar 13 36-802 L.F. Grove Denmark Star Formation in the Environments of sub-mm Galaxies (ALFOSC GT) MOSCA  
Mar 13 Mar 18 36-040 Kari Nilsson Finland The Origin of Intranight Variability in AGN ALFOSC Service 
Mar 18 Mar 19 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Mar 19 Mar 20 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time TURPOL  
Mar 20 Mar 23 36-213 M.C. Galvez Spain Spectroscopy of Active Stars with Radial Velocity Variations FIES +ALFOSC  
Mar 23 Mar 24 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Mar 24 Mar 25 36-199 Various Nordic Nordic service night ALFOSC Service 
Mar 25 Mar 26 36-901 Staff NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Mar 26 Mar 28 36-201 R. Oreiro Spain Search for Simultaneously p- and g-mode Pulsating sdBs ALFOSC  
Mar 28 Mar 30 36-039 J. Kotilainen Finland The Link Between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies ALFOSC Service 
Mar 30 Apr 01 36-212 N.E. de La Rosa Spain Espectrofotometria de Supernovas en Fase Tardiva ALFOSC  

ToO programs, in order of priority:

6x3 + 6x(2+nx1)hr P36-002 J. Fynbo Any GRB follow-up; Total 8 nights
2x(8x1+8x0.5)+6x1hr P36-032 V. Stanishev ALFOSC SNe Ia; Total 3 nights

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000
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