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NORDIC OPTICAL TELESCOPE SCHEDULE, Period 52: Oct 1, 2015 - Apr 1, 2016

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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Sep 29 Oct 05 52-202 Martin Guerrero Roncel ES Revealing the Detailed Morphology of New IPHAS Planetary Nebulae ALFOSC +FIES 2 first half nights + 4 last half nights 
Oct 01 Oct 07 52-105 Dr Amanda Doyle UK Measuring macroturbulent broadening in spectral line profiles of solarlike stars ALFOSC +FIES First half nights 
Oct 05 Oct 06 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Second half night: Service 
Oct 06 Oct 07 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Second half night: Service 
Oct 07 Oct 08 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 07 Oct 08 52-016 Carolina von Essen Denmark KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 20:00-01:20: Service 
Oct 08 Oct 10 52-209 Lucia Suarez Andres ES Unveiling the importance of alpha-elements in planet formation around metal-poor stars. FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 10 Oct 11 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 10 Oct 11 52-016 Carolina von Essen Denmark KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 20:00-00:40: Service 
Oct 11 Oct 12 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 11 Oct 12 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 12 Oct 14 52-002 Israel Gian Luca IT Glimpsing a Chandra population of faint X-ray pulsators ALFOSC  
Oct 14 Oct 15 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC Second half night 
Oct 14 Oct 15 52-701 Jan Kare Trandem Qvam NO Observational Astronomy Course ALFOSC First half night: Obs. course 
Oct 15 Oct 16 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Part of night: Service 
Oct 15 Oct 16 52-016 Carolina von Essen Denmark KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 20:00-00:50: Service 
Oct 15 Oct 16 52-027 Sven Wedemeyer-Bohm NO Transit timing follow-up observations of three Neptune-size exoplanets ALFOSC +FIES Part of night UT 03:15-06:00: Service 
Oct 16 Oct 18 52-004 Maximilian Stritzinger DK Characterizing the metallicity of Type IaX supernovae host galaxies ALFOSC  
Oct 18 Oct 19 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC Second half night 
Oct 18 Oct 19 52-701 Jan Kare Trandem Qvam NO Observational Astronomy Course ALFOSC First half night: Obs. course 
Oct 19 Oct 21 52-001 Gosta Gahm SE Young stellar clusters in expanding H II regions FIES +ALFOSC Combined run with Oct. 24-26 
Oct 21 Oct 23 52-009 Tanja Petrushevska SE Probing the explosion sites of Type Ia supernovae FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 23 Oct 24 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 23 Oct 24 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 24 Oct 26 52-001 Gosta Gahm SE Young stellar clusters in expanding H II regions FIES +ALFOSC Combined run with Oct. 19-21 
Oct 26 Oct 27 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Oct 27 Oct 28 52-022 Jussi Harmanen FI Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - near-IR imaging NOTCAM  
Oct 28 Oct 29 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC Half night 
Oct 28 Oct 29 52-016 Carolina von Essen Denmark KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC Half night UT 19:50-00:50: Service 
Oct 29 Nov 03 52-033 Eugenio Carretta IT Awaiting for Gaia s Venue (AGV) project: precise chemical tagging of the accreted and dissipative Milky Way FIES +ALFOSC  
Nov 03 Nov 04 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 03 Nov 04 52-016 Carolina von Essen Denmark KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 19:40-00:20: Service 
Nov 04 Nov 05 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 04 Nov 05 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 05 Nov 06 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Nov 06 Nov 07 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 06 Nov 07 52-016 Carolina von Essen Denmark KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 19:45-23:20: Service 
Nov 07 Nov 08 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 08 Nov 11 52-702 Heidi Korhonen FI FINCA practical astronomy course ALFOSC Obs. course. Part of run until Nov. 13 
Nov 11 Nov 13 52-702 Heidi Korhonen FI FINCA practical astronomy course  Obs. course. Part of run start Nov. 8 
Nov 13 Nov 14 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Nov 14 Nov 15 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 15 Nov 21 52-201 Hans J. Deeg ES Verification and determination of masses of candidates for small planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
Nov 21 Nov 22 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 21 Nov 22 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 22 Nov 23 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Nov 23 Nov 24 52-022 Jussi Harmanen FI Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - near-IR imaging NOTCAM  
Nov 24 Dec 04 51-502 Jyri Lehtinen, Maarit Kapyla, Oleg Kochukhov FI,FI,SE Topology and evolution of surface magnetic fields in active late-type stars ALFOSC +FIES Total of 6 full nights over period 
Nov 24 Nov 25 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night. Shared with P51-502 
Nov 25 Nov 26 52-203 Raine Karjalainen ES Spectrophotometry of the super-Earth 55Cnc e ALFOSC +FIES Second half night. Rest of the night for P51-502 
Nov 26 Dec 04 52-014 Heidi Korhonen FI Investigating coronal mass ejection rate with spectral type and stellar age FIES +ALFOSC Total of 3 full nights over period shared with P51-502 
Dec 04 Dec 05 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Dec 04 Dec 05 52-027 Sven Wedemeyer-Bohm NO Transit timing follow-up observations of three Neptune-size exoplanets ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 04:00-06:35: Service 
Dec 05 Dec 06 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Dec 05 Dec 06 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Dec 06 Dec 07 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 07 Dec 10 52-026 Prof. Alexis Finoguenov FI Nordic Spectroscopy to COnstrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters ALFOSC  
Dec 10 Dec 11 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 11 Dec 14 52-801 IAA ES ALFOSC GT ALFOSC  
Dec 14 Dec 15 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Dec 15 Dec 16 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC Half night: Service 
Dec 15 Dec 16 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC Half night: Service 
Dec 16 Dec 21 52-210 Laia Casamiquela Floriach ES The OCCASO Survey: faint Open Clusters FIES +ALFOSC  
Dec 21 Dec 22 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 22 Dec 23 52-022 Jussi Harmanen FI Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - near-IR imaging NOTCAM  
Dec 23 Dec 24 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 24 Dec 29 52-301 Sergio Simon Diaz IACNordic Towards the understanding of macroturbulent broadening in OB stars FIES +ALFOSC  
Dec 29 Dec 30 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Dec 29 Dec 30 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Dec 30 Jan 04 52-033 Eugenio Carretta IT Awaiting for Gaia s Venue (AGV) project: precise chemical tagging of the accreted and dissipative Milky Way FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 04 Jan 05 52-205 Enric Palle Bago ES Exploring new parameter spaces with superWASP candidates FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 05 Jan 06 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 06 Jan 09 52-108 Dr. Davide Gandolfi GE Spectroscopic follow-up observations of small transiting planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 09 Jan 10 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 10 Jan 11 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Two-third of night: Service 
Jan 10 Jan 11 52-027 Sven Wedemeyer-Bohm NO Transit timing follow-up observations of three Neptune-size exoplanets ALFOSC +FIES Part of night UT 21:30-00:30: Service 
Jan 11 Jan 12 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 12 Jan 13 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Two-third of night: Service 
Jan 12 Jan 13 52-027 Sven Wedemeyer-Bohm NO Transit timing follow-up observations of three Neptune-size exoplanets ALFOSC +FIES Part of night UT 03:50-07:00: Service 
Jan 13 Jan 14 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Jan 13 Jan 14 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Jan 14 Jan 22 52-023 Ulrike Heiter SE The OCCASO Survey: the faint Open Clusters NGC 2158 and Ber 32 FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 22 Jan 23 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 23 Jan 24 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Jan 24 Jan 25 52-022 Jussi Harmanen FI Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - near-IR imaging NOTCAM  
Jan 25 Jan 26 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 26 Jan 28 52-204 Carlos Eiroa ES Gas in debris disks. Searching for exocomets FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 28 Jan 29 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 29 Jan 30 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Jan 29 Jan 30 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Jan 30 Feb 02 52-108 Dr. Davide Gandolfi GE Spectroscopic follow-up observations of small transiting planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
Feb 02 Feb 03 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 03 Feb 04 52-299 CAT ES CAT Service ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 04 Feb 05 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 05 Feb 08 52-802 NBI DK ALFOSC GT ALFOSC  
Feb 08 Feb 09 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 09 Feb 10 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Feb 09 Feb 10 52-027 Sven Wedemeyer-Bohm NO Transit timing follow-up observations of three Neptune-size exoplanets ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 21:30-01:00: Service 
Feb 10 Feb 12 52-207 Ismael Garcia Bernete ES The origin of the extended soft X-ray and mid-infrared emission of Seyfert galaxies MOSCA Better use MOSCA? 
Feb 12 Feb 15 52-017 Kasper Elm Heintz DK The extended High A_V Quasar Survey: extending to redder targets at z>2 ALFOSC  
Feb 15 Feb 16 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Feb 15 Feb 16 52-203 Raine Karjalainen ES Spectrophotometry of the super-Earth 55Cnc e ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 21:30-02:00 
Feb 16 Feb 17 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Feb 16 Feb 17 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Feb 17 Feb 18 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES First half of night: Service 
Feb 17 Feb 18 52-203 Raine Karjalainen ES Spectrophotometry of the super-Earth 55Cnc e ALFOSC +FIES Second half of night 
Feb 18 Feb 19 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 19 Feb 22 52-209 Lucia Suarez Andres ES Unveiling the importance of alpha-elements in planet formation around metal-poor stars. FIES +ALFOSC  
Feb 22 Feb 23 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Feb 23 Feb 24 52-022 Jussi Harmanen FI Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - near-IR imaging NOTCAM  
Feb 24 Feb 25 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 25 Feb 26 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 26 Feb 28 52-009 Tanja Petrushevska SE Probing the explosion sites of Type Ia supernovae ALFOSC  
Feb 28 Feb 29 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 29 Mar 01 52-005 Tuomas Kangas FI Environments of core-collapse supernovae in interacting galaxies ALFOSC  
Mar 01 Mar 02 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 01 Mar 02 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 02 Mar 03 52-299 CAT ES CAT Service ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 03 Mar 09 52-018 Andreas Sandberg SE Lyman Alpha in the HST Frontier Fields and Abell 1689 MOSCA  
Mar 09 Mar 10 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 10 Mar 11 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 10 Mar 11 52-027 Sven Wedemeyer-Bohm NO Transit timing follow-up observations of three Neptune-size exoplanets ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 22:00-02:00: Service 
Mar 11 Mar 13 52-004 Maximilian Stritzinger DK Characterizing the metallicity of Type IaX supernovae host galaxies ALFOSC  
Mar 13 Mar 14 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 14 Mar 15 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 15 Mar 16 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 15 Mar 16 52-003 Nancy Elias-Rosa IT Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - optical monitoring ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 16 Mar 17 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 17 Mar 19 52-209 Lucia Suarez Andres ES Unveiling the importance of alpha-elements in planet formation around metal-poor stars. FIES +ALFOSC  
Mar 19 Mar 20 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 20 Mar 21 52-205 Enric Palle Bago ES Exploring new parameter spaces with superWASP candidates FIES +ALFOSC  
Mar 21 Mar 22 52-299 CAT ES CAT Service ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 22 Mar 23 52-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 22 Mar 23 52-203 Raine Karjalainen ES Spectrophotometry of the super-Earth 55Cnc e ALFOSC +FIES Half night UT 22:00-02:30 
Mar 23 Mar 24 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Mar 24 Mar 25 52-022 Jussi Harmanen FI Studies of peculiar supernovae with NOT and TNG - near-IR imaging NOTCAM  
Mar 25 Mar 27 52-021 Jari Kotilainen FI Weighing the most massive black holes in the early Universe NOTCAM  
Mar 27 Mar 30 52-302 Eija Laurikainen IACNordic Boxy/peanut/barlens bulges in Milky Way mass galaxies NOTCAM  
Mar 30 Mar 31 52-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 31 Apr 01 53-203 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with superWASP candidates FIES +ALFOSC  

Monitoring and ToO Programs

Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeTypeInstrumentTime AllocationNightsComments
52-006 Stefano Covino IT Polarimetric monitoring of MAGIC blazars ToO ALFOSC 2 triggers total 12h 1.1 No override. Only triggers in Nordic service and Technical nights. Max 4h per observation 
52-007 Elena Pian IT NOT follow-up of gravitational wave sources from Advanced LIGO-VIRGO ToO ALFOSC/StanCam/MOSCA 1 trigger total 8h 0.7 Override. Max 3h per observation. In Nordic service or Technical night max 4h 
52-012 K. Nilsson FI Determination of the black hole spin in OJ 287 Mon ALFOSC 2 obs/week over 9 weeks, 1 obs/night over 1 week 0.2 The 2 observations/week to be scheduled on fixed dates. Rest ToO. 
52-013 Heidi Korhonen FI Origin of flares in A-type stars Mon FIES 9 targets obs at start & end semester 2.0 Fixed dates to be scheduled (may include P51) 
52-019 Seppo Mattila FI Survey of nuclear transient in galaxies with Gaia ToO ALFOSC Imaging of 15 targets, spectroscopic follow-up upto 25 targets 2.1 No override. Only triggers in Nordic service and Technical nights. Max 4h per observation 
52-024 Daniele Malesani DK Fast radio bursts: Our first chances to discover their optical counterparts ToO ALFOSC/StanCam/MOSCA/NOTCam 2x(2h+1h)+(2x1h+1h) 1.3 Override. First trigger hard. Follow-up soft ToO 
52-025 John Telting NOT Follow-up spectroscopy of Kepler subdwarf-B pulsators: binaries Mon FIES 3 obs of 3 targets spread over 5 weeks 1.5 Fixed dates to be scheduled (may include P51) 
52-026 Prof. Alexis Finoguenov FI Nordic Spectroscopy to COnstrain Dark Energy with X-ray clusters Queue ALFOSC Pre-imaging 0.1 Service observing 
52-028 E.Lindfors FI Polarization Monitoring of VHE gamma-ray BL Lacs Mon ALFOSC 12x2.3hr targets + 6x0.2hr std 2.6 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
52-030 Harry J Lehto FI Monitoring the ROSETTA target comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Mon ALFOSC 38x75m+2x0.5night 5.4 Could use StanCam. Fixed dates to be scheduled 
52-031 Hakon Dahle NO Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of SDSS J2222+2745 Mon ALFOSC 12x36min 7 days apart. 2x6hr spectroscopy 1.7 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
52-032 Thomas Augusteijn NOT Monitoring the enigmatic binary V838 Mon Mon ALFOSC 2x1h in Oct+Mar, 12x5min every 2 weeks 0.4 Fixed dates to be scheduld 
51-501 Jesper Sollerman, Rahman Amanullah, Francesco Taddia SE,SE,SE Supernova Target-of-Opportunity from the iPalomar Transient Factory ToO ALFOSC 2x10x1.5h + 10x5x1h 10.0 Override. First trigger hard. Follow-up soft ToO 
51-504 Pall Jakobsson, Daniele Malesani, Johan P. U. Fynbo IS,DK,DK Building the Sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts ToO Any 9x(3h+3h) + 3x(3+Nx2h) 10.0 Override, immediate response. Follow-up next night(s) 

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000

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