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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Apr 01 Apr 02 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 02 Apr 03 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 02 Apr 03 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 03 Apr 04 57-305 Stefan Geier IAC-Nordic V-type asteroids outside the dynamical Vesta family ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 04 Apr 08 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Second halves of nights: Service 
Apr 04 Apr 08 57-020 Jane Luu NO Rotational Instability of Active Asteroid 311P ALFOSC +FIES First halves of nights: Service 
Apr 08 Apr 10 57-206 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Apr 10 Apr 11 56-012 Pasi Hakala FI Polarisation of the transitional millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038 ALFOSC +FIES First half of night 
Apr 10 Apr 11 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 11 Apr 15 57-210 Grzegorz Nowak ES The KESPRINT project - understanding the internal structures of small planet candidates from the K2 mission. FIES +ALFOSC  
Apr 15 Apr 16 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 15 Apr 16 57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 16 Apr 17 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 17 Apr 20 57-008 Jari Kotilainen FI ISM properties of the most luminous quasars at 3NOTCAM Service? 
Apr 20 Apr 21 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 20 Apr 21 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 21 Apr 22 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 22 Apr 25 57-107 Prof. Artie Hatzes OPTICON Spectroscopic follow-up observations of small transiting planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
Apr 25 Apr 26 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 26 Apr 27 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 26 Apr 27 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Apr 27 Apr 28 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES First half of night 
Apr 27 Apr 28 57-201 Marie Karjalainen ES A planet search among Kepler asteroseismic giant stars ALFOSC +FIES Last half of night 
Apr 28 Apr 29 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 29 Apr 30 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 30 May 01 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 01 May 02 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 02 May 06 57-701 Matthew Hayes SE Observational Techniques in Astrophysics II at Stockholm University ALFOSC Stockholm Observing Course: Remote 
May 06 May 09 57-107 Prof. Artie Hatzes OPTICON Spectroscopic follow-up observations of small transiting planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
May 09 May 10 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
May 09 May 10 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 23:50 - 05:30; Service 
May 10 May 11 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 11 May 12 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
May 11 May 12 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
May 12 May 15 57-015 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets FIES +ALFOSC  
May 15 May 16 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 16 May 17 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
May 16 May 17 57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
May 17 May 18 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 18 May 19 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
May 18 May 19 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
May 19 May 23 57-015 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets FIES +ALFOSC  
May 23 May 24 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 24 May 25 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 25 May 26 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 26 May 30 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES 1 night spread over period: Service 
May 26 May 30 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half a night spread over period: Service 
May 26 May 30 57-028 Sandra Raimundo DK Can counter-rotating molecular gas reach the nucleus of S0 galaxies? NOTCAM +FIES 2.5 nights spread over period: Service? 
May 30 May 31 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 31 Jun 01 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 01 Jun 04 57-014 Ennio Poretti IT Hunting for the first RR Lyr star in a binary system FIES +ALFOSC  
Jun 04 Jun 05 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 05 Jun 08 57-209 Martin Guerrero Roncel ES Investigating the angular expansion of classical novae using multi-epoch images ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 08 Jun 09 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Jun 08 Jun 09 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 22:30 - 02:30; Service 
Jun 09 Jun 10 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 10 Jun 11 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 10 Jun 11 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 11 Jun 12 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC Half night - remainder of night 
Jun 11 Jun 12 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC Half night, time critical: 21:50 - 00:50; Service 
Jun 12 Jun 13 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 12 Jun 13 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 13 Jun 14 57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 13 Jun 14 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 14 Jun 15 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time SOFIN +FIES  
Jun 15 Jun 25 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time SOFIN +FIES 4 nights spread over period: Service 
Jun 15 Jun 25 57-504 Thomas Hackman, Jyri Lehtinen, Oleg Kochukhov FI,FI,SE Topology and evolution of surface magnetic fields in active late-type stars SOFIN +FIES 6 nights spread over period 
Jun 25 Jun 26 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night 
Jun 25 Jun 26 57-201 Marie Karjalainen ES A planet search among Kepler asteroseismic giant stars ALFOSC +FIES Last half of night 
Jun 26 Jun 27 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Jun 27 Jun 28 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 27 Jun 28 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jun 28 Jul 02 57-105 Dr Nadege Lagarde OPTICON Carbon isotopic ratio in seismic red giants: the missing piece of the mixing puzzle FIES +ALFOSC  
Jul 02 Jul 04 56-205 Emilio Trigueros Paez ES Completing the most extensive survey of O-type spectroscopic binaries FIES +ALFOSC  
Jul 04 Jul 05 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 05 Jul 06 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night 
Jul 05 Jul 06 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 21:30 - 03:30; Service 
Jul 06 Jul 07 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 21:50 - 01:00; Service 
Jul 06 Jul 07 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Jul 07 Jul 08 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 07 Jul 08 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 08 Jul 12 57-204 Diego Hidalgo Soto ES Confirmation of exoplanets detected with their optical phase-curves FIES +ALFOSC  
Jul 12 Jul 13 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 13 Jul 14 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 13 Jul 14 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 14 Jul 17 57-204 Diego Hidalgo Soto ES Confirmation of exoplanets detected with their optical phase-curves FIES +NOTCAM  
Jul 17 Jul 18 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night 
Jul 17 Jul 18 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 23:08 - 03:43 
Jul 18 Jul 19 57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 18 Jul 19 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 19 Jul 20 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 20 Jul 21 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC Half night - remainder of night 
Jul 20 Jul 21 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC Half night, time critical: 22:44 - 05:40 
Jul 21 Jul 23 57-206 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Jul 23 Jul 24 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 24 Jul 25 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 25 Jul 26 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 01:00 - 04:30; Service 
Jul 25 Jul 26 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Jul 26 Jul 29 57-023 Heidi Korhonen DK Flare -- coronal mass ejection relation in solar-like stars ALFOSC  
Jul 29 Jul 30 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 30 Jul 31 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 30 Jul 31 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jul 31 Aug 01 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES First half of night: Service 
Jul 31 Aug 01 57-301 Peter Pessev IAC-Nordic NIR Photometric Monitoring of the Luminous Red Nova transient M31LRN 2015 NOTCAM +FIES Second half of night 
Aug 01 Aug 02 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC Half night - remainder of night 
Aug 01 Aug 02 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC Half night, time critical: 22:17 - 02:51 
Aug 02 Aug 03 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time  Half night - remainder of night 
Aug 02 Aug 03 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT  Half night, time critical: 23:22 - 05:04 
Aug 03 Aug 04 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Aug 03 Aug 04 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Aug 04 Aug 05 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 05 Aug 06 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night 
Aug 05 Aug 06 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 00:26 - 04:54 
Aug 06 Aug 07 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 07 Aug 08 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 08 Aug 09 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 09 Aug 10 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Aug 09 Aug 10 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 21:16 - 01:44 
Aug 10 Aug 11 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Aug 10 Aug 11 57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Aug 11 Aug 12 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Aug 11 Aug 12 57-203 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 21:42 - 03:24 
Aug 12 Aug 13 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Aug 12 Aug 13 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 21:50 - 01:20; Service 
Aug 13 Aug 18 57-702 Johan Fynbo,Frank Grundahl DK Danish Summer Course in Observational Astrophysics ALFOSC +FIES Danish Summer Course - Partly NBI Guaranteed Time 
Aug 13 Aug 18 57-802 NBI DK NBI ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC +FIES NBI Guaranteed Time - Used for Danish Summer Course 
Aug 18 Aug 19 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 19 Aug 20 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Aug 19 Aug 20 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Aug 20 Aug 25 57-302 Sergio Simon Diaz IAC-Nordic Towards the understanding of macroturbulent broadening in OB stars FIES +ALFOSC  
Aug 25 Aug 26 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 26 Aug 27 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 27 Sep 01 57-033 Vitaly Neustroev FI A systematic study of the spectral energy distribution of the WZ Sge-stars ALFOSC  
Sep 01 Sep 03 57-003 Jari Kotilainen FI The MgII circum-galactic gas around quasars at z~1, continued NOTCAM  
Sep 03 Sep 04 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 03 Sep 04 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 04 Sep 05 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Sep 04 Sep 05 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 05 Sep 07 57-003 Jari Kotilainen FI The MgII circum-galactic gas around quasars at z~1, continued ALFOSC  
Sep 07 Sep 08 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 08 Sep 11 57-801 IAA ES IAA ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC  
Sep 11 Sep 12 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 11 Sep 12 57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 12 Sep 13 57-022 Hakon Dahle NO Time delay and intervening structures for the brightest lensed quasar. ALFOSC  
Sep 13 Sep 14 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 14 Sep 16 57-002 Daniela Bettoni IT Recent star formation and nuclear activity of low redshift quasars. ALFOSC  
Sep 16 Sep 17 57-305 Stefan Geier IAC-Nordic V-type asteroids outside the dynamical Vesta family ALFOSC  
Sep 17 Sep 18 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Sep 17 Sep 18 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground ALFOSC +FIES Half night, time critical: 23:50 - 03:50; Service 
Sep 18 Sep 19 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 19 Sep 22 56-205 Emilio Trigueros Paez ES Completing the most extensive survey of O-type spectroscopic binaries FIES +ALFOSC  
Sep 22 Sep 23 57-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES Second half of night 
Sep 22 Sep 23 57-201 Marie Karjalainen ES A planet search among Kepler asteroseismic giant stars ALFOSC +FIES First half of night 
Sep 23 Sep 24 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Sep 23 Sep 24 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 24 Sep 25 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - remainder of night: Service 
Sep 24 Sep 25 57-301 Peter Pessev IAC-Nordic NIR Photometric Monitoring of the Luminous Red Nova transient M31LRN 2015 NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Sep 25 Sep 29 57-006 Markus Janson SE Hunt for new strong variables among nearby L/T-transition brown dwarfs NOTCAM  
Sep 29 Sep 30 57-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 30 Oct 01 57-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Sep 30 Oct 01 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 

Monitoring and ToO Programs

Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeTypeInstrumentTime AllocationNightsComments
57-004 Hakon Dahle NO A unique probe of a high-redshift supermassive black hole and dark matter. Mon ALFOSC g-band 14x36min ~7 days apart. i- and narrow-band 11x52min 18h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
57-010 Giorgos Leloudas DK Polarimetry of exotic transients SoftToO ALFOSC 2 triggers 8h Soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
57-012 Grigori Fedorets FI Physical properties of Earths temporarily-captured satellites. ToO ALFOSC 1 trigger 0.25 Override 
57-015 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets SoftToO FIES A form of soft ToO to provide better phase coverage 11h No override. Only triggers in Nordic service and Technical nights 
57-017 E. Lindfors FI Monitoring of a gravitationally lensed blazar B0218+357 Mon+ToO ALFOSC 16 min per obs. ToO every 2nd night for 2 weeks 1.4h+1.8h Monitoring Aug 9, 11, Sep 6, 8, 10 
57-018 Vandad Fallah Ramazani FI Polarization Monitoring of VHE gamma-ray BL Lacs Mon ALFOSC 6-24 polarimetry obs. of 17 targets over 24 night + 6 std. obs 32h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
57-022 Hakon Dahle NO Time delay and intervening structures for the brightest lensed quasar. Mon ALFOSC R-band 30x380sec ~6 days apart 3.2h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
57-026 Thomas Augusteijn NOT Investigating the low states in FO Aquarii SoftToO ALFOSC 2x5h 10h Soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights. 1st within 20d, 2nd within 90d 
57-027 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ToO ALFOSC 2 triggers 0.5 Override 
57-030 Daniele Malesani DK The optical and NIR counterparts of gravitational wave sources at the NOT. ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC/StanCam/MOSCA/NOTCam 1.7h for discovery, 10 nights 1.2hr/night follow-up 1.7h+12h Override 
57-034 Eliana Palazzi IT Fast radio bursts: searching for their optical counterparts ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC/StanCam/MOSCA/NOTCam 2x(2h+1h+2x1h+1h) plus overheads 14h Override. First trigger hard. Follow-up soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
57-104 Dr Simon Hodgkin OPTICON Galactic Transients with Gaia ToO ALFOSC 9 triggers, maximum 70min per trigger 1.0 Override 
55-501 Jane Luu NO Origin of Active Asteroids ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 2 triggers 2.5h Override. Follow-up soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
57-501 John Telting NOT Kepler K2 follow-up: establishing binarity of new subdwarf-B pulsators Mon ALFOSC 60-75 measurements of 4-5 targets spread over semester 3.0 Fixed dates to be scheduld 
53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 14 hard ToOs total 6h, rest soft total 64h 7.0 Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
57-502 Jesper Sollerman, Ariel Goobar, Francesco Taddia SE,SE,SE Supernova Target-of-Opportunity from the Zwicky Transient Facility ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10x1.5x1.5h + 10x4x1h 7.0 Override. First trigger hard. Follow-up soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
57-505 Pall Jakobsson, Daniele Malesani, Johan P. U. Fynbo IS,DK,DK Building the Sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts ToO+SoftToO Any 9x(3h+3h) + 3x(3+Nx2h) 10.0 Override, immediate response. Follow-up next night(s) 
58-803 Victoria Antoci DK Are Rossby modes ubiquitous in stars with moderate to rapid rotation? Mon FIES 2 epochs on 2 targets 11.7h Fixed dates to be scheduled only in Nordic service or Technical nights 
58-804 Karsten Brogaard DK Resolving discrepant results for Kepler eclipsing binaries Mon FIES 20 epochs on 2 targets 26h Fixed dates to be scheduled only in Nordic service or Technical nights 

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000

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