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NORDIC OPTICAL TELESCOPE SCHEDULE, Period 62: Oct 1, 2020 - Apr 1, 2021

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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Oct 01 Oct 02 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Oct 02 Oct 06 62-205 Ignacio Negueruela Diez ES Lithium in red supergiants FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 06 Oct 07 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Oct 07 Oct 08 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 07 Oct 08 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Oct 08 Oct 09 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Oct 09 Oct 12 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Oct 12 Oct 14 62-011 Anlaug Amanda Djupvik ES Is Super-Serkowski Polarization Caused by sub-Lyman-Limit Radiation? ALFOSC +FIES 7hr per night 
Oct 12 Oct 14 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of nights: Service 
Oct 12 Oct 14 61-606 Giorgos Leloudas DK Late-time imaging of the pair-instability super-luminous supernova SN2018ibb ALFOSC +FIES 1.25h per night: Service 
Oct 14 Oct 15 62-017 Hakon Dahle NO Tracing the internal structure of galaxies back to reionization FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Oct 15 Oct 16 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Oct 16 Oct 19 62-026 Pasi Hakala FI Magnetic accretion and evolution of pre-cataclysmic variables ALFOSC Service 
Oct 19 Oct 20 62-016 Berdyugin Andrei FI Polarimetry for space situational awareness: Starlink and astronomy DIPol-UF +FIES 1hr in twilight: Service 
Oct 19 Oct 20 62-021 Berdyugin Andrei FI Solving enigma of active asteroid Centaur 174P/Echeclus with polarimetry DIPol-UF +FIES 4hr: Service 
Oct 19 Oct 20 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time DIPol-UF +FIES Remainder of night 
Oct 20 Oct 21 62-027 E. Lindfors FI Fast variability of optical polarization in blazar jets DIPol-UF +FIES 7hr: Service 
Oct 20 Oct 21 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time DIPol-UF +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Oct 21 Oct 22 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Oct 22 Oct 23 62-005 Andrea Pastorello IT Investigating stellar transients interacting with circumstellar medium ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Oct 22 Oct 23 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Oct 23 Oct 26 59-210 Grzegorz Nowak ES Follow-up of TESS small planet candidates: Precise masses as fundamental parameter for planet structure, distributions and in-de FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 26 Oct 27 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Oct 27 Oct 30 62-004 Pasi Hakala FI Why do some Ultra Fast Rotating low mass stars not show flares? ALFOSC Service 
Oct 30 Oct 31 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Oct 31 Nov 01 62-017 Hakon Dahle NO Tracing the internal structure of galaxies back to reionization NOTCAM Service 
Nov 01 Nov 02 62-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Nov 02 Nov 03 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 02 Nov 03 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Nov 03 Nov 04 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Nov 04 Nov 05 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service; Director Discretionary Time: 4 hours in the UT window 19:30 - 01:30 
Nov 05 Nov 08 62-206 David Jones ES Constraining the Local Galactic Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function ALFOSC  
Nov 08 Nov 09 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Nov 09 Nov 11 62-701 Jari Kotilainen,Seppo Matilla,Pasi Nurmi FI FINCA Science School ALFOSC NOT Science School: Remote course 
Nov 11 Nov 12 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 12 Nov 14 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Nov 14 Nov 15 62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures FIES +ALFOSC Time critical UT 21:15 to 04:15: Service 
Nov 14 Nov 15 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time FIES +ALFOSC Remainder of night: Service 
Nov 15 Nov 16 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Nov 16 Nov 17 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 17 Nov 18 62-701 Jari Kotilainen,Seppo Matilla,Pasi Nurmi FI FINCA Science School ALFOSC NOT Science School: Remote course 
Nov 18 Nov 19 61-505 Charles L. Steinhardt, Johan P. U. Fynbo DK,DK W and H_0 Yielded by the Nordic Optical Telescope (WHYNOT): Improved Redshift Measurements of SNe Ia Host Galaxies ALFOSC +FIES 8hr: Service 
Nov 18 Nov 19 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Nov 19 Nov 20 62-005 Andrea Pastorello IT Investigating stellar transients interacting with circumstellar medium ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 19 Nov 20 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Nov 20 Nov 21 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Nov 20 Nov 21 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night 
Nov 21 Nov 24 62-022 Jari Kotilainen FI Confirming the Black Hole Masses of the Most Massive Quasars NOTCAM Service 
Nov 24 Nov 25 62-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Nov 25 Nov 26 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Nov 26 Nov 27 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 27 Nov 30 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Last night, remainder: Service 
Nov 29 Nov 30 62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures FIES +ALFOSC Time critical UT 21:45 to 01:30: Service 
Nov 30 Dec 01 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 01 Dec 06 62-210 Rafael Luque ES PiGS: non-transiting Planets in Giant Stars from TESS FIES +ALFOSC  
Dec 06 Dec 07 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 07 Dec 08 62-009 Luigi Mancini IT Characterizing V1298 Tau b in synergy with HARPS-N and GIANO ALFOSC Time critical: Service 
Dec 08 Dec 11 59-210 Grzegorz Nowak ES Follow-up of TESS small planet candidates: Precise masses as fundamental parameter for planet structure, distributions and in-de FIES +ALFOSC  
Dec 11 Dec 12 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 12 Dec 13 62-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 13 Dec 14 62-018 Eirik Gjerlow NO Optical polarimetry of stars in the Taurus molecular cloud ALFOSC Service 
Dec 14 Dec 15 62-005 Andrea Pastorello IT Investigating stellar transients interacting with circumstellar medium ALFOSC Half night: Service 
Dec 14 Dec 15 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC Remainder of night: Service 
Dec 15 Dec 16 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Dec 16 Dec 17 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Dec 16 Dec 17 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Dec 17 Dec 18 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 18 Dec 28 62-501 Thomas Hackman, Maarit Kapyla, Sven Wedemeyer FI,FI,NO Topology and evolution of surface magnetic fields in active late-type stars FIES +ALFOSC 6 nights spread over period 
Dec 18 Dec 28 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC 2 nights spread over period: Service 
Dec 18 Dec 28 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time FIES +ALFOSC 2 nights spread over period: Service 
Dec 28 Dec 29 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Dec 29 Dec 30 62-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Dec 30 Dec 31 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 31 Jan 03 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time FIES +ALFOSC Remainder of nights: Service 
Dec 31 Jan 01 62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures FIES +ALFOSC Time critical UT 19:30 to 03:15: Service 
Jan 01 Jan 02 62-012 G. Cescutti IT Measuring at Intermediate metallicity Neutron Capture Elements FIES +ALFOSC 8hr: Service 
Jan 02 Jan 03 62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 19:00 to 01:15: Service 
Jan 03 Jan 04 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 04 Jan 05 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 05 Jan 06 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Jan 05 Jan 06 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 06 Jan 07 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Jan 07 Jan 08 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC Service 
Jan 08 Jan 11 62-801 IAA ES IAA ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC  
Jan 11 Jan 12 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 12 Jan 14 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 14 Jan 15 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 15 Jan 17 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 17 Jan 18 62-005 Andrea Pastorello IT Investigating stellar transients interacting with circumstellar medium ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Jan 17 Jan 18 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 18 Jan 19 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 19 Jan 20 62-016 Berdyugin Andrei FI Polarimetry for space situational awareness: Starlink and astronomy DIPol-UF +FIES 1hr in twilight: Service 
Jan 19 Jan 20 62-027 E. Lindfors FI Fast variability of optical polarization in blazar jets DIPol-UF +FIES 7hr: Service 
Jan 19 Jan 20 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time DIPol-UF +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 20 Jan 21 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 21 Jan 22 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 22 Jan 23 61-505 Charles L. Steinhardt, Johan P. U. Fynbo DK,DK W and H_0 Yielded by the Nordic Optical Telescope (WHYNOT): Improved Redshift Measurements of SNe Ia Host Galaxies ALFOSC +FIES 8hr: Service 
Jan 22 Jan 23 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 23 Jan 24 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Jan 24 Jan 25 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 25 Jan 26 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM Half night: Service 
Jan 25 Jan 26 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 26 Jan 27 62-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Jan 27 Jan 28 62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures FIES +ALFOSC Time critical UT 01:45 to 06:45: Service 
Jan 27 Jan 28 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time FIES +ALFOSC Remainder of night 
Jan 28 Jan 29 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 29 Jan 31 62-020 Christina Konstantopoulou DK A search for close projected quasar pairs ALFOSC +FIES 19hr: Service 
Jan 29 Jan 31 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of nights: Service 
Jan 31 Feb 04 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Feb 04 Feb 05 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 05 Feb 08 62-802 NBI DK NBI ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC Service 
Feb 08 Feb 09 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 09 Feb 10 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 10 Feb 14 62-013 Mikael Granvik FI Lightcurve of binary asteroid Didymos in support of the AIDA experiment ALFOSC Service 
Feb 14 Feb 15 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 15 Feb 16 62-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 16 Feb 17 62-005 Andrea Pastorello IT Investigating stellar transients interacting with circumstellar medium ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Feb 16 Feb 17 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Feb 17 Feb 18 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 18 Feb 19 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Feb 18 Feb 19 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Feb 19 Feb 20 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 20 Feb 24 59-210 Grzegorz Nowak ES Follow-up of TESS small planet candidates: Precise masses as fundamental parameter for planet structure, distributions and in-de FIES +ALFOSC  
Feb 24 Feb 25 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC Service 
Feb 25 Feb 28 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Feb 28 Mar 01 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 01 Mar 02 62-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Mar 02 Mar 03 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time FIES +NOTCAM Remainder of night 
Mar 03 Mar 07 62-026 Pasi Hakala FI Magnetic accretion and evolution of pre-cataclysmic variables ALFOSC +FIES Service; First night half 
Mar 03 Mar 04 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 07 Mar 08 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 08 Mar 09 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 09 Mar 10 62-016 Berdyugin Andrei FI Polarimetry for space situational awareness: Starlink and astronomy DIPol-UF +FIES 1hr in twilight: Service 
Mar 09 Mar 10 62-021 Berdyugin Andrei FI Solving enigma of active asteroid Centaur 174P/Echeclus with polarimetry DIPol-UF +FIES 4hr: Service 
Mar 09 Mar 10 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time DIPol-UF +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 10 Mar 11 62-027 E. Lindfors FI Fast variability of optical polarization in blazar jets DIPol-UF +FIES 7hr: Service 
Mar 10 Mar 11 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time DIPol-UF +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 11 Mar 12 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 12 Mar 14 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Mar 14 Mar 15 62-017 Hakon Dahle NO Tracing the internal structure of galaxies back to reionization ALFOSC Service 
Mar 15 Mar 16 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 16 Mar 17 62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 16 Mar 17 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 17 Mar 18 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 18 Mar 19 62-005 Andrea Pastorello IT Investigating stellar transients interacting with circumstellar medium ALFOSC +FIES Half night: Service 
Mar 18 Mar 19 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 19 Mar 21 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Mar 21 Mar 22 61-505 Charles L. Steinhardt, Johan P. U. Fynbo DK,DK W and H_0 Yielded by the Nordic Optical Telescope (WHYNOT): Improved Redshift Measurements of SNe Ia Host Galaxies ALFOSC 8hr: Service 
Mar 22 Mar 23 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 23 Mar 26 61-510 Lars A. Buchhave DK Mass measurements of small transiting exoplanets discovered by NASA TESS Mission with the upgraded FIES spectrograph FIES +ALFOSC Service 
Mar 26 Mar 27 62-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 27 Mar 28 62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 23:30 to 05:30: Service 
Mar 27 Mar 28 62-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 28 Mar 29 62-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 29 Mar 30 62-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Mar 30 Mar 31 62-017 Hakon Dahle NO Tracing the internal structure of galaxies back to reionization NOTCAM Service 
Mar 31 Apr 01 63-208 Manuel Angel Perez Torres ES Testing X-ray models for Intermediate Polars NOTCAM  

Monitoring and ToO Programs

Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeTypeInstrumentTime AllocationNightsComments
62-003 Giorgos Leloudas DK Polarimetry of exotic transients ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 5 epochs per object, 1 hard ToO, max. 45m 8h Follow-up soft-ToOs during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-006 Panos Charalampopoulos DK Detailed spectroscopic studies of Tidal Disruption Events SoftToO ALFOSC Follow-up 2 targets. 7 obs. 6h total per target 12h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-023 Mikael Granvik FI Follow-up observations of potential minimoons and disrupting asteroids SoftToO ALFOSC 10 triggers, ~2h each 2.0 Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-024 Radoslaw Wojtak DK Anatomy of strongly lensed high-redshift supernovae SoftToO ALFOSC Ima. 10 triggers, 30m, follow-up every ~5 d for 3 months. Spec. 2 triggers, 1h 8h+2h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-101 Filiz Kahraman-Alicavus OPTICON Maia variables - fact or fiction? Mon FIES 2 obs. on different nights of 25 targets 1.0 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
62-103 Ioannis Liodakis OPTICON Understanding the complex high energy and neutrino emission in blazars through optical polarization ToO ALFOSC Total 10 Obs. Every 2-3 days for 2 weeks + 3 obs. 1-2 weeks later 0.5 Hard triggers. 
61-501 Jesper Sollerman, Ariel Goobar SE,SE Target-of-Opportunity from the Zwicky Transient Facility ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10x1.5x1.5h + 1.5N + 10x4x1h 8.5 Follow-up soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-502 Suvendo Rakshit FI Dust torus around supermassive black hole in high accreting AGNs Mon NOTCam+StanCam/ALFOSC Monitoring 1.5h weekly in optical, and 1.5h bi-weekly in IR 4.5+2.5 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
61-502 Jane Luu NO Active Asteroids and Other Unusual Solar System Objects ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 2 triggers 2x2.5h Follow-up soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-503 Kasper E. Heintz IS Fast Radio Bursts: An Enigma and a Tool ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC+NOTCam 4 soft triggers, 2h ALFOSC and 30m NOTCam, 1 hard, 2h ALFOSC, 1h NOTCam 8h+2h+2h+1h Soft-ToOs during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-504 Hakon Dahle NO Unambiguous time delay values for the lensed quasar SDSS J0909+4449 Mon ALFOSC 19 epochs of 20 min 6.4h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
62-505 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10 hard ToOs 10h, rest soft 60h 7.0 Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
61-506 Hakon Dahle NO Measuring the Hubble constant from time delays in cluster lenses. Mon ALFOSC Obs. ~10d apart: 10x36m (J2222) 15x20m (J1326) 11.1h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
62-506 Emil Knudstrup, Luisa Maria Serrano DK,IT Planetary System Architectures Mon FIES 84 observations throughtout the semester 54h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
62-507 Charlotte Angus DK The Young Supernova Experiment ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10+6 hard triggers, 3+5 epoches. 12 soft triggers+3 follow-ups 1.6+2.4+2.25 Follow-up soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-508 Daniele Malesani, Johan P. U. Fynbo DK,DK Building the Sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts ToO Any 6x(3h+3h) + 3x(3+Nx2h) up to 1.5n per burst 3.0 Override, immediate response. Follow-up next night(s) 
62-509 Tapio Pursimo NOT Changing State QSOs: a clue to understand their physics SoftToO ALFOSC ~10 triggers per semester 12h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
61-804 Lars A. Buchhave DK TESS Reconnaissance observations SoftToO FIES Reconnaissance observations 20h Soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
61-805 Dr. Khalid A. Al-Subai, Dr. Zlatan I. Tsvetanov FOR Planet-transit candidates from the Qatar Exoplanet Survey Queue FIES Max 1.5hr per epoch: 6 epochs on 339-032374 (priority target) and 4 epochs on 254-287490 15hr Queue mode. Fixed dates to be scheduled only in Nordic service or Technical nights, but rescheduled if not executed 

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000

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