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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Apr 01 Apr 02 65-026 Lauri Siltala FI Physical characterization of large asteroids through lightcurve inversion ALFOSC +FIES Time critical 5.7hr: Service 
Apr 01 Apr 02 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Apr 02 Apr 03 64-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 03 Apr 05 65-109 Cameron Lemon ORP Spectroscopic Confirmation of Lensed Quasars discovered through Extended Variability ALFOSC  
Apr 05 Apr 06 65-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 06 Apr 07 65-026 Lauri Siltala FI Physical characterization of large asteroids through lightcurve inversion ALFOSC +FIES Time critical 6.2hr: Service 
Apr 06 Apr 07 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Apr 07 Apr 08 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 08 Apr 09 65-851 Emil Knudstrup DK Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 20:30 to 01:30: Service 
Apr 08 Apr 09 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Apr 09 Apr 10 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 10 Apr 11 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 11 Apr 12 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 12 Apr 13 65-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Apr 13 Apr 14 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Apr 13 Apr 14 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Apr 14 Apr 15 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 15 Apr 18 65-151 A. Korn ChETEC-INFRA Measuring at Intermediate metallicity Neutron Capture Elements FIES +ALFOSC  
Apr 18 Apr 19 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 19 Apr 20 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 20 Apr 23 65-702 Manuel Linares NO Observing Project at NTNU: Teaching Astronomy with the NOT ALFOSC NTNU master's course: Remote 
Apr 23 Apr 24 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 24 Apr 25 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Apr 25 Apr 26 65-002 Talvikki Hovatta FI Intra-night variability of PG1553+113 during a TESS campaign ALFOSC +FIES 3hr: Service 
Apr 25 Apr 26 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Apr 26 Apr 27 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 27 Apr 28 65-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Apr 28 Apr 29 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Apr 29 May 01 65-023 Terese Hansen SE R-Process Alliance Search for R-Process Enhanced Stars FIES +ALFOSC  
May 01 May 02 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 02 May 03 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 03 May 04 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 04 May 05 65-002 Talvikki Hovatta FI Intra-night variability of PG1553+113 during a TESS campaign ALFOSC +FIES 3hr: Service 
May 04 May 05 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
May 05 May 06 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
May 06 May 07 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
May 06 May 07 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
May 07 May 08 65-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
May 08 May 09 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
May 09 May 13 65-703 Terese Thidemann Hansen SE Observational Techniques in Astrophysics II at Stockholm University ALFOSC Stockholm observing course: Remote 
May 13 May 14 65-002 Talvikki Hovatta FI Intra-night variability of PG1553+113 during a TESS campaign ALFOSC +FIES 3hr: Service 
May 13 May 14 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
May 14 May 20 65-018 Alexandra Veledina FI/SE Simultaneous optical/X-ray polarimetric observations of black hole Cyg X-1 DIPol-UF 3 (6 half) nights spread over run 
May 14 May 15 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time DIPol-UF Half of first night 
May 15 May 20 65-020 Jari Kajava Finland Characterization of Euclid PSF calibration fields with DiPol-UF DIPol-UF +FIES 2 nights spread over run 
May 15 May 20 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time DIPol-UF +FIES Half night spread over run 
May 20 May 21 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 21 May 22 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 22 May 23 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 23 May 24 65-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 24 May 25 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 25 May 27 65-850 IDA DK IDA Young Researchers Program ALFOSC +FIES  
May 27 May 28 65-851 Emil Knudstrup DK Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 00:20 to 05:00: Service 
May 27 May 28 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
May 28 May 29 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 29 May 30 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
May 30 May 31 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
May 31 Jun 01 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
May 31 Jun 01 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jun 01 Jun 02 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 02 Jun 03 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 03 Jun 04 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 04 Jun 05 65-210 Matteo Monelli ES Horizontal Branch stars to trace the early chemical enrichment of the Galactic Halo FIES +ALFOSC  
Jun 05 Jun 06 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 06 Jun 07 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 07 Jun 08 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 08 Jun 09 65-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Jun 09 Jun 14 64-303 Eduardo Banados ITP The Canarias search for the first quasars NOTCAM  
Jun 14 Jun 15 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Jun 14 Jun 15 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jun 15 Jun 16 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Jun 16 Jun 17 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 17 Jun 18 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 18 Jun 21 65-850 IDA DK IDA Young Researchers Program ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 18 Jun 21 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 21 Jun 22 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 22 Jun 23 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 23 Jun 24 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jun 24 Jun 26 65-006 Karsten Frank Brogaard DK The Milky Way disc low-alpha sequence with the power of asteroseismic age ALFOSC +FIES 11hr spread over run: Service 
Jun 24 Jun 26 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of nights: Service 
Jun 26 Jun 27 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jun 27 Jun 28 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time DIPol-UF  
Jun 28 Jul 06 65-019 Andrei Berdyugin FI Magnetic fields at the latest stages of stellar evolution DIPol-UF  
Jul 06 Jul 07 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 07 Jul 08 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 08 Jul 09 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Jul 09 Jul 10 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Jul 09 Jul 10 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jul 10 Jul 11 65-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Jul 11 Jul 12 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 12 Jul 13 65-001 Anders Johansen DK Lanthanides and Other Heavy Elements in the Atmosphere of an Exoplanet ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 22:24 to 04:19 
Jul 12 Jul 13 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jul 13 Jul 14 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 14 Jul 15 65-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jul 15 Jul 16 65-001 Anders Johansen DK Lanthanides and Other Heavy Elements in the Atmosphere of an Exoplanet ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 22:00 to 03:55 
Jul 15 Jul 16 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jul 16 Jul 17 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 17 Jul 18 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 18 Jul 19 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 19 Jul 20 65-207 Hannu Parviainen ES Transit timing variation follow-up of a hot Jupiter TOI 1408.01 ALFOSC Time critical 
Jul 20 Jul 21 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 21 Jul 24 65-203 David Jones ES Constraining the Local Galactic Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function ALFOSC  
Jul 24 Jul 25 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 25 Jul 26 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Jul 26 Jul 27 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Jul 26 Jul 27 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jul 27 Jul 28 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 28 Jul 29 65-207 Hannu Parviainen ES Transit timing variation follow-up of a hot Jupiter TOI 1408.01 ALFOSC Time critical 
Jul 29 Jul 30 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 30 Jul 31 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jul 31 Aug 01 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 01 Aug 06 65-701 Johan Fynbo,Frank Grundahl,Louise Borsen-Koch DK Danish Summer Course in Observational Astrophysics ALFOSC +FIES Danish Summer Course (2 nights) - Partly NBI Guaranteed Time 
Aug 01 Aug 06 65-802 NBI DK NBI ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC +FIES NBI Guaranteed Time (3 nights)- Used for Danish Summer Course 
Aug 06 Aug 07 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 07 Aug 08 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 08 Aug 09 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 09 Aug 14 64-205 Sergio Simon Diaz ES Mind the gaps: a massive connection between IACOB and stellar evolution (with the aid of Gaia, TESS, and WEAVE-SCIP) FIES  
Aug 14 Aug 15 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 15 Aug 16 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 16 Aug 17 65-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Aug 17 Aug 18 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Aug 17 Aug 18 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Aug 18 Aug 19 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 19 Aug 20 65-207 Hannu Parviainen ES Transit timing variation follow-up of a hot Jupiter TOI 1408.01 ALFOSC Time critical 
Aug 20 Aug 21 65-851 Emil Knudstrup DK Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 21:30 to 03:30: Service 
Aug 20 Aug 21 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Aug 21 Aug 22 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 22 Aug 23 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 23 Aug 25 65-020 Jari Kajava Finland Characterization of Euclid PSF calibration fields with DiPol-UF DIPol-UF  
Aug 25 Aug 26 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Aug 26 Aug 27 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 27 Aug 28 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Aug 28 Aug 29 65-207 Hannu Parviainen ES Transit timing variation follow-up of a hot Jupiter TOI 1408.01 ALFOSC Time critical 
Aug 29 Sep 01 65-801 IAA ES IAA ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC  
Sep 01 Sep 02 65-704 Andreas Korn ChETEC-INFRA CERN Nuclear Astrophysics Scientific School FIES Service 
Sep 02 Sep 03 65-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC  
Sep 03 Sep 04 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 04 Sep 05 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 05 Sep 08 66-010 Lars A. Buchhave DK Gr8stars: A survey of the brightest Northern FGKM dwarf stars FIES  
Sep 08 Sep 09 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 09 Sep 10 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 10 Sep 11 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 11 Sep 12 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 12 Sep 13 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Sep 13 Sep 14 65-202 Lluis Galbany ES Cosmography of Laniakea: Type Ia supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter NOTCAM  
Sep 14 Sep 15 64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night: Service 
Sep 14 Sep 15 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Sep 15 Sep 16 65-851 Emil Knudstrup DK Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 21:30 to 04:00: Service 
Sep 15 Sep 16 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night 
Sep 16 Sep 17 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 17 Sep 18 65-851 Emil Knudstrup DK Planetary System Architectures ALFOSC +FIES Time critical UT 23:30 to 04:20: Service 
Sep 17 Sep 18 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Sep 18 Sep 19 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Sep 19 Sep 21 65-003 Claudia Cicone NO Spectroscopy of dual- and lensed- AGNs candidates identified with Gaia ALFOSC +FIES 16hr spread over run 
Sep 19 Sep 21 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of nights: Service 
Sep 21 Sep 22 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 22 Sep 28 65-208 Juan Carbajo Hijarrubia ES OCCASO survey: checking azimuthal distribution of Open Clusters FIES +ALFOSC  
Sep 28 Sep 29 65-207 Hannu Parviainen ES Transit timing variation follow-up of a hot Jupiter TOI 1408.01 ALFOSC +FIES Time critical; Until 1 UT 
Sep 28 Sep 29 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Sep 29 Sep 30 65-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Sep 30 Oct 01 65-026 Lauri Siltala FI Physical characterization of large asteroids through lightcurve inversion ALFOSC Time critical 6.7hr: Service 
Sep 30 Oct 01 65-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC Remainder of night 

Monitoring and ToO Programs

Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeTypeInstrumentTime AllocationNightsComments
65-004 Takashi Nagao FI Clarifying the shapes of supernovae with late-time spectroscopy SoftToO ALFOSC 6 known, plus 2 new targets. ~1 hr per observation 8.5h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-005 Takashi Nagao FI CSM shapes in interacting SNe probed by polarimetry and spectroscopy SoftToO ALFOSC 5 targets, 4 epochs: ~38m pol. ~15 m spec. 12.6h+6h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-007 Miika Pursiainen DK Probing the nature and diversity of rapidly evolving transients (RETs) ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 6 triggers: 30m spec+ 10m phot. 3 follow-up: 70m spec, 4xphot (1.5hr tot) 12h Override. Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-010 I. Liodakis FI Multi-band polarization observations of IXPE targets ToO ALFOSC 20 observations, 3 targets 2 additonal observations 9h Fixed dates to be scheduled depending on IXPE schedule 
65-014 I. Liodakis FI Polarization Survey of Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates Mon ALFOSC 21 targets spread over semester 12h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-017 Luca Izzo DK The search for the next kilonova with the NOT. II ToO ALFOSC+NOTCam 2 times 3 trigger, ALFOSC 1.3hr/obs, NOTCam 0.5hr/obs 8h+5h Override 
65-028 Mikael Granvik FI Characterization of the Didymos system before and after DART impact Mon ALFOSC Sets of observations from ~1 hr up to ~2.5 hr 7h+25h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-029 Hakon Dahle NO Cluster-lensed quasars as probes of H0 Mon ALFOSC 8x20m J0909+4449, 15x13m J1326+4806, 10x13m J0219+2156 8h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-030 Panos Charalampopoulos DK Detailed spectroscopic studies of Tidal Disruption Events SoftToO ALFOSC Follow-up 2 targets. 7 obs. 7h total per target 14h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-031 V. Antoci DK And what about Magnetic Fields? Mon FIES 12x14m. Every ~5 night in period 09/07-01/09 2.8h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-033 Daniele Bjorn Malesani DK Gamma-ray bursts: a laboratory for astrophysics and cosmology. ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC/StanCam+NOTCam ALCOSC 8 triggers, follow-up 4x5 epochs. NOTCam 2 obs 24h+3h Override, immediate response. Follow-up next night(s) 
65-034 Emmanouela Paraskeva GR-SP Early spectroscopic classification of microlensing BH candidates. SoftToO ALFOSC 26 targets, ~25 min 11h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-101 Dane Spaeth ORP A short-period planet candidate orbiting a horizontal branch giant Mon FIES 20 obs. over ~2-4 weeks, ~2-5 obs/night. 25min/obs. 1.0 Fixed times and dates to be scheduled 
65-103 Anna Franckowiak ORP Spectroscopic follow-up of candidate counterparts to IceCube highenergy neutrinos ToO ALFOSC 2 triggers, ~1.5hr per trigger 3h Override 
65-105 Dr. David Homan ORP Follow-Up Spectroscopy of Changing-Look AGN detected in X-rays with eROSITA Mon ALFOSC Aprox. 35m per observation 1.0 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-108 Irene Salmaso ORP Strongly-interacting supernovae in the multi-messenger context SoftToO ALFOSC+NOTCam 2 targets, 2 epochs. 3h/epoch 6h+6h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-111 Dr. Fernando Cruz Saenz de Miera ORP Differential spectroscopic study of recently discovered eruptive young stars Mon NOTCam 5 targets 7h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
64-302 Matteo Pinamonti ITP Jumping super Earths around K dwarfs Mon FIES Individual observations of 20min per target spread over semester 3.0 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
64-501 Jesper Sollerman, Ariel Goobar SE,SE Target-of-Opportunity from the Zwicky Transient Facility ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10x1.5x1.5h + 1.5N + 10x4x1h 8.5 Override. Follow-up soft ToO during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-501 Erik Kool, Thomas Reynolds DK Near-infrared detection and study of tidal disruption events SoftToO NOTCam Detection 6x 3 epoches 50 min. Follow-up 20x 50 min 7.5h+9h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
65-502 A. Agnello DK High-cadence Lens Monitoring for Time Delay Cosmography Mon StanCam ~30 min obs. on ~140 nights 7.8 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
64-504 Jane Luu NO Development of Cometary Activity Mon ALFOSC Ima 1 hr/obj, 3x3 obj, Spec 1800 sec/obj, 2x3 objs, 30min calib 12.5h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
62-507 Charlotte Angus DK The Young Supernova Experiment ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10+6 hard triggers, 3+5 epoches. 12 soft triggers+3 follow-ups 1.6+2.4+2.25 Override. Follow-up soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
63-507 Hakon Dahle NO The mass of a supermassive black hole. Mon ALFOSC 11 epoches of 92 min each 16.9h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
64-507 Erkki Kankare, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist FI,DK,SE The local transient Universe ToO+SoftToO ALFOSC 10 hard ToOs 10h, rest soft 60h 7.0 Override. Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
62-509 Tapio Pursimo NOT Changing State QSOs: a clue to understand their physics SoftToO ALFOSC ~10 triggers per semester 12h Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
63-804 F. Courbin CH High-cadence Lens Monitoring for Time Delay Cosmography Mon StanCam ~30 min obs. on ~140 nights 7.8 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-811 Martin Kuerster DE Companions for lonely planets Mon FIES 5-7 obs. throughout the semester of ~8 targets 18h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-851 Emil Knudstrup DK Planetary System Architectures Mon FIES observations throughout the semester ~10h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
65-853 David Vizgan DK Tracing Protocluster Growth with Cosmic Time Mon NOTCAM   Fixed dates to be scheduled 

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000

Back to top Last modified: September 16 2024