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For the "monitoring" observations use the script indicated by the OB.

The coordinates of the target are:
RA (J2000) = 02:19:26.00
DEC(J2000) = +21:56:15.0

We ask for the following observations with ALFOSC, 13 min:

- SDSS g' (filter #120): 3 x 150 s

  see the nominal constraints and the table below for details

You can use the following dither commands:

alfosc.dither 3X 5 300      


For calibration we request:

- 10 bias frames (alfosc-calibs)

- A set of three twilight flats in the SDSS g’ band (filter #120)

Nominal constraint set (moon and airmass constraints are implicitly set by the :
-Moon below horizon.
-Airmass < 2.0
-Seeing < 2.0''
-Thin clouds OK

Available scripts

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/67-024

For these observations use the appropriate script for the date, complie the OB if needed.


Back to top Last modified: September 20 2023