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P69-004: Deducing physical parameters of TDEs through spectroscopic lag studies

P.I.: Panos Charalampopoulos

This is a SoftToO program using ALFOSC (Classification 4h total, follow-up of 2 TDEs, 6h each ) in Nordic Service or technical nights.

Requested setup:

  • Grism #4
  • Slit_1.0, Slit_1.3

Observing instructions:

When an observation is triggered, OBs will be made and submitted to the Queue:
  • In a sequencer window type cd ~/scripts/69-004/
  • Look for the most recent scripts with ls -lrt and execute them
  • Remember to update the OBs and send the SoftToO report

Program Tracking
Proposal 69-004
Semester P69: 20240401 - 20241001
Principal Investigator Panos Charalampopoulos
Programme Deducing physical parameters of TDEs through spectroscopic lag studies
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation Classification 4h total, follow-up of 2 TDEs, 6h each
Total Nights 16.0h
Type SoftToO
Notes Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 01:45 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
69-004 2024-05-19 00:27 SoftToO AT2024iwm, SP1045+378 ALHe190058 - ALHe190067 Observed with clear skies and sub-arcsec seeing. Observed
69-004 2024-06-03 00:20 SoftToO AT2024kcp ALHf030150 - ALHf030154, ALHf030145 - ALHf030149 The standard used was a standard from another program, it was however shared with this proposal. Clear skies and a seeing of around 1 arcsec Observed
69-004 2024-07-08 00:35 SoftToO AT2024nbi, BD332642 ALHg080171 - ALHg080175,ALHg080224 - ALHg080228,ALHg080246 - ALHg080250 Shared standard star from proposal 68-505. All targets observed with clear skies, <0.8" seeing. Observed
69-004 2024-07-19 00:23 SoftToO AT2024ppk ALHg190101 - ALHg190105 Observed with clear sky and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observing time of the standard star BD332642 shared between proposals 68-501, 68-505, 69-004 and 69-028. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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