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P69-007: Exploring Asteroseismic Binaries

P.I.: Mikkel N. Lund

This is a Monitoring program using FIES.

Instrument setup

  • FIES

  • High-res fiber F4

Afternoon instructions

  • Run afternoon calibrations: fies-calibs -fib 4

Observing instructions

  • On the Queue page, make sure the OB-generated observing script is written to disk, or else 'compile'

  • Go to directory: cd ~/obs/scripts/69-007/ and do ls -lrt

  • Start the requested OB generated script

Program Tracking
Proposal 69-007
Semester P69: 20240401 - 20241001
Principal Investigator Mikkel N. Lund
Programme Exploring Asteroseismic Binaries
Instrument FIES
Time Allocation 13 targets, 8 targets 3-5 epochs, 5 targets 20 epochs
Total Nights 43.7h
Type Mon
Notes Fixed dates to be scheduled
Total Time Spent 19:35 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
69-007 2024-04-01 00:33 Mon EPIC-246696804, EPIC-212617037,
FIHd010094 - FIHd010096, FIHd010100 - FIHd010102 , FIHd010106 - FIHd010108 All targets observed with clear skies except epic212617037_1_of_5 which was observed through thin clouds. 120s of exposure was added to the science exposure to compensate for varying flux throughput. Observed
69-007 2024-04-02 00:53 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHd020135 - FIHd020140, FIHd020144 - FIHd020152 Clear skies, observed with nominal conditions. The OBs where marked as failed during the afternoon, but they were all successfully observed during the night Observed
69-007 2024-04-13 00:50 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHd130118 - FIHd130132 All the targets were observed in a row during a clear but a bit dusty sky. Observed
69-007 2024-04-20 00:53 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-9025370,
KIC-4914923, KIC-12317678
FIHd200063 - FIHd200079 Observed with clear skies and subarcsec seeing. Observed
69-007 2024-04-30 00:57 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHd300094 - FIHd300109 All targets observed with clear sky and seeing around 2. Observed
69-007 2024-05-03 00:21 Mon EPIC-230748783, EPIC-236224056 FIHe030110 - FIHe030115 Observed in thin clouds with seeing below 1.0" Observed
69-007 2024-05-04 00:23 Mon EPIC-212617037, EPIC-249570007 FIHe040109 - FIHe040111, FIHe040115 - FIHe040117 Observed in thin clouds with seeing around 0.7" Observed
69-007 2024-05-09 00:50 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHe090136 - FIHe090150 All targets observed through thin clouds Observed
69-007 2024-05-14 00:47 Mon KIC4260884, KIC9652971 FIHe140102 - FIHe140104,FIHe140105 - FIHe140107 Observed with clear skies, sub-arcsec seeing. Observed
69-007 2024-05-18 00:52 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHe180098 - FIHe180112 Observed with clear skies and 1.0'' seeing. Observed
69-007 2024-05-19 02:10 Mon KIC4457331 FIHe190112 - FIHe190114, FIHe190119 - FIHe190122 Observed with clear skies and sub-arcsec seeing. Unfortunately, halfway along the first exposure, the William Herschel Telescope laser started to point quite close to the field of view, inching closer as time passed. I decided to ctrl c after the first exposure and wait until the situation improved. I then did the second exposure (FIHe190121). Hopefully, the data is still of use Observed
69-007 2024-05-26 00:54 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHe260114 - FIHe260116, FIHe260117 - FIHe260119, FIHe260120 - FIHe260122, FIHe260156 - FIHe260158, FIHe260159 - FIHe260161 The observation conditions was clear sky and good seeing. Observed
69-007 2024-06-07 01:10 Mon EPIC-212617037, EPIC-249570007,
KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHf070094 - FIHf070096, FIHf070097 - FIHf070099, FIHf070103 - FIHf070105, FIHf070106 - FIHf070108,FIHf070109 - FIHf070111, FIHf070112 - FIHf070114, FIHf070115 - FIHf070117 all monitor targets observed succesfully! Observed
69-007 2024-06-08 00:20 Mon EPIC-236224056, EPIC-230748783 FIHf080067 - FIHf080069, FIHf080070 - FIHf080072 All requested monitor targets observed successfully. Clear skies and great conditions. Observed
69-007 2024-06-15 00:50 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHf150079 - FIHf150093 All requested targets observed Observed
69-007 2024-06-20 00:48 Mon KIC4260884, KIC9652971 FIHf200063 - FIHf200068 Clear skies and seeing around 1'' Observed
69-007 2024-06-25 00:52 Mon KIC-10454113, KIC-9693187, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHf250097 - FIHf250111 Observed with clear sky and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
69-007 2024-06-28 01:05 Mon KIC4457331 FIHf280094 - FIHf280098 Observed at 0.4 arcsec seeing Observed
69-007 2024-07-01 00:11 Mon EPIC-236224056 FIHg010106 - FIHg010108 Observed at 0.8 arcsec seeing. Observed
69-007 2024-07-02 00:11 Mon EPIC-230748783 FIHg020094 - FIHg020096 Observed at 0.5 arcsec Observed
69-007 2024-07-03 00:11 Mon EPIC-212617037 FIHg030094 - FIHg030096 Observed at 0.6 arcsec seeing though thick dust layer Observed
69-007 2024-07-04 00:51 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-9693187, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHg040094 - FIHg040108 Observed at 0.5-0.6 arcsec seeing Observed
69-007 2024-07-07 00:11 Mon EPIC-249570007 FIHg070094 - FIHg070096 Observed at 0.6 arcsec seeing. Observed
69-007 2024-07-13 00:52 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-4914923,
KIC-9025370, KIC-12317678
FIHg130094 - FIHg130108 Observed with clear sky, but some calima or dust visible. Seeing was better than 1 arcsec. Observed
69-007 2024-07-19 00:47 Mon KIC4260884, KIC9652971 FIHg190100 - FIHg190105 Observed with thin clouds and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
69-007 2024-07-22 00:53 Mon KIC-9693187, KIC-10454113, KIC-9025370,
KIC-12317678, KIC-4914923
FIHg220069 - FIHg220083 Clear skies and subarcsec seeing Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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