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P69-018: Flares or changing-states? - A pilot study of black hole transients

PI: S. Raimundo

This is a Monitoring program using ALFOSC spectroscopy with Gr# 7 and 8 and the Slit_0.5" wide slit.

Instrument setup:

  • ALFOSC: Gr #7, Gr #8, 0.5'' slit

Daytime calibrations:

  • alfosc.alfosc-calibs AL**** in the morning after the observations.

Preliminary monitoring schedule

    Date        UT Window     Execution time   Setup
  14-04-2024     23:00-SNT     01:00
  15-04-2024     23:00-SNT     01:00   
  28-04-2024     23:00-SNT     01:00
  14-05-2024     ENT-03:00     01:00
  03-06-2024     ENT-02:00     01:00
  07-06-2024     ENT-02:00     01:00
  02-08-2024     00:00-SNT     01:00

The OB generator will be used to request all observations.

For the observer:

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/69-018
List the available scripts
  ls -lrt
and execute the OB generated script for the appropriate date as requested.

Remember to fill in the tracking report Mon
Program Tracking
Proposal 69-018
Semester P69: 20240401 - 20241001
Principal Investigator Sandra Raimundo
Programme Flares or changing-states? - A pilot study of black hole transients
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation Spec. obs. of 6 targets
Total Nights 6.5h
Type Mon
Notes Fixed dates to be scheduled
Total Time Spent 04:35 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
69-018 2024-04-14 00:57 Mon ZTF18aauwbue, BD+332642 ALHd140083 - ALHd140088, ALHd140093 - ALHd140096 The science target showed H-alpha lines and some other features while looking at Quickspec. The target and the standard were observed after the Moon went below horizon. Observed
69-018 2024-04-15 00:56 Mon Feige56, G60-54, ZTF19aailrys,
ALHd150056 - ALHd150059, ALHd150089 - ALHd150102 The standard star Feige56 was observed at the beginning of the night, and the rest of the targets were observed in the middle of the night. The preference to observe the standards before the science target wasn't obeyed as there were higher priorities to follow in scheduling. Seeing was around 1.5'' during every target. Observed
69-018 2024-04-28 00:00 Mon Failed because telescope could not be opened due to high humidity and subzero temperatures. Failed
69-018 2024-05-14 00:52 Mon ztf19aaaflxk, Feige56, BD+332642,
ALHe140058 - ALHe140061,ALHe140067 - ALHe140070,ALHe140103 - ALHe140111 Observed through very thin clouds with respectable 1.0" seeing. Observed
69-018 2024-06-03 00:00 Mon SP1036+433, ZTF19aariyeb ALHf030145 - ALHf030149, ALHf030186 - ALHf030191 SP1036+433 was observed as the standard star, it should be shared with this proposal. Clear skies and a seeing was within constraints. Observed
69-018 2024-06-07 00:57 Mon Hz44, ZTF19aariyeb ALHf070140 - ALHf070143, ALHf070144 - ALHf070149 Standard and target observed. Observed
69-018 2024-08-02 00:53 Mon bd254655, ZTF20aawpldl ALHh020123 - ALHh020126,ALHh020140 - ALHh020145 Observed wtih clear skies, 0.5" seeing. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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