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P69-030: Oscillating wildly - Characterising the nature of unusually pulsating stars III

P.I.: V. Antoci

This is a Monitoring program using FIES.

Instrument setup

  • FIES

  • High-res fiber F4

Afternoon instructions

  • Run afternoon calibrations: fies-calibs -fib 4

Observing instructions

  • On the Queue page, make sure the OB-generated observing script is written to disk, or else 'compile'

  • Go to directory: cd ~/obs/scripts/69-030/ and do ls -lrt

  • Start the requested OB generated script

Program Tracking
Proposal 69-030
Semester P69: 20240401 - 20241001
Principal Investigator Victoria Antoci
Programme Oscillating wildly-Characterising the nature of unusually pulsating stars III
Instrument FIES
Time Allocation 2 separate observations of 8 sources
Total Nights 20.0h
Type Mon
Notes Fixed dates to be scheduled
Total Time Spent 17:54 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
69-030 2024-04-05 00:00 Mon HD97160 - The target was missed due to clouds covering its area. It was tried once nevertheless, but a guide star wasn't found. Failed
69-030 2024-04-13 00:26 Mon HD97160 FIHd130110 - FIHd130112 HD39390 was missed as the telescope had to be kept closed due to a combination of dusty air and strong wind. When the winded calmed down a bit, it was too late to observe HD39390 following the air mass restriction. HD97160 on the other hand was observed successfully, but the lower hatch was closed due to the moderate wind. Observed
69-030 2024-04-21 00:28 Mon HD39390 FIHd210063 - FIHd210066 Observed with thin clouds. At the end of the exposure clouds got denser and the guide star was lost, but the exposure was already reading out. Observed
69-030 2024-05-04 00:26 Mon HD114839 FIHe040106 - FIHe040108 Observed in thin clouds with seeing around 0.8" Observed
69-030 2024-05-14 00:26 Mon HD114839 FIHe140096 - FIHe140098 Target observed through thin clouds with 1" seeing. Observed
69-030 2024-06-16 02:18 Mon KIC7900367 FIHf160078 - FIHf160082 Target observed with clear skies and subarcsec seeing Observed
69-030 2024-07-02 02:17 Mon KIC7900367 FIHg020097 - FIHg020101 Observed at 0.4-0.5 arcsec seeing through a layer of dust Observed
69-030 2024-07-03 02:37 Mon KIC8460993 FIHg030097 - FIHg030101 Observed at 0.6 arcsec seeing though thick dust layer Observed
69-030 2024-07-10 02:39 Mon KIC8460993 FIHg100063 - FIHg100067 Observed with clear skies and seeing between 1.5-2.0'' Observed
69-030 2024-07-19 00:14 Mon HD201032 FIHg190106 - FIHg190108 Observed with thin clouds and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
69-030 2024-07-27 00:13 Mon HD201032 FIHg270073 - FIHg270075 Target observed with clear skies. Observed
69-030 2024-08-10 00:17 Mon HD208139 FIHh100139-FIHh100141 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 0.5" Files don't show up in the tracking form for some reason? Anyway, 139-141 should be the correct files Observed
69-030 2024-08-14 00:00 Mon Could not be observed at all during the night due to high wind. Failed
69-030 2024-08-22 00:23 Mon HR7495 FIHh220101 - FIHh220108, FIHh220122 - FIHh220126 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 0.6" Had to restart 1 OB due to a small issue Observed
69-030 2024-08-23 00:23 Mon HR7495 FIHh230100 - FIHh230104, FIHh230134 - FIHh230138 Observed in clear skies with seeing around 0.7" Observed
69-030 2024-08-24 00:22 Mon HR7495 FIHh240094 - FIHh240099, FIHh240111 - FIHh240115 Target has been observed in clear skies with seeing between 1" and 2" Observed
69-030 2024-08-26 00:24 Mon HR7495 FIHh260025 - FIHh260029, FIHh260055 - FIHh260059 Subarcsec seeing. Observed
69-030 2024-08-27 00:23 Mon HR7495 FIHh270066 - FIHh270075, FIHh270099 - FIHh270103 Block hr7495_obs09 was observed with thin clouds. Block hr7495_obs10 was observed with clear but dusty skies. I observed this block sooner than scheduled because of the weather conditions, hopefully the data is still of use. Observed
69-030 2024-08-31 00:22 Mon HR7495 FIHh310094 - FIHh310098, FIHh310105 - FIHh310109 The target was observed twice following the given LST limits. Observed
69-030 2024-09-23 02:18 Mon KIC7900367 FIHi230097 - FIHi230101 The target was observed during a clear sky and relatively good seeing. Observed
69-030 2024-09-26 00:29 Mon HD10682 FIHi260105 - FIHi260107 Observed with clear sky and seeing better than 1 arcsec. Observed
69-030 2024-09-28 00:29 Mon HD210684 FIHi280103 - FIHi280105 Clear skies and sub arcsec seeing. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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