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ALFOSC Sequencer Command Documentation

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Instrument : ALFOSC
Observing Mode: ANY IMA SPEC POL
Description: SHORT LONG

alfosc abort [-d] Aborts an ongoing exposure (see also expose). DET
alfosc calibexp [-e] [-f] [-n <nn>] [-o <ObjName>] [-lmi] <lampID> <tt> Script for making a calibration spectrum with ALFOSC. Possible arguments are:
  • -e      echo mode: do not execute commands, only echo them
  • -f      fast mode: script will return during the readout of the last exposure
  • -n <Nexp>   optional number of exposures (default=1)
  • -o <ObjectName>   optional ObjectName
  • -lmi   if set the mirror will stay in the beam at exit
  • <lampID>       with <lampID>=He/Ne/HeNe/ThAr/Halogen
  • <exptime>   exposure time
Sets the ALFOSC calibration items (mirror & lamps) up for a calibration spectrum, takes the calibration image(s) of which the last one in the background, switches off lamps, and per default takes calibration mirror out at exit. Switches autosave_on, and leaves it on. Moves FAPOL out if necesary. Sets header IMTYPE to FLAT/WAVE . If an <ObjectName> is given (double quoted if containing spaces), then the string will be added to the already present lamp specifier in the OBJECT FITS keyword. If CNTR-C is pressed the ongoing exposure will be aborted, and the calibration mirror will be moved out of the beam. NOTE: the last exposure will be taken in the background, so that instrument setup can be done during readout.
Usage example:
  alfosc.calibexp -n 2 Halogen 15   Makes 2 halogen flatfield images with individual exposure time of 15s.
alfosc dark [-d] [-t] [-f] [-n]<tt> Makes a dark exposure of <tt> seconds. If <tt> is set to zero a BIAS exposure is made. If the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds, automatic remnant removal is done before the exposure starts. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If the option [-n] is used, there will be no automatic remnant removal. DET
alfosc expose [-d] [-t] [-f] [-n]<tt> Makes an exposure of <tt> seconds. Remnant removal is made before the exposure starts, if the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds. If the option [-n] is used, no remnant removal is done. To abort the exposure press "Control-C". This command checks if ALFOSC, FASU and FAPOL are ready before beginning the exposure. If 90 seconds occurs and it is not ready this command will time out. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If [-f] is used, make sure that "alfosc.wait-camera-state idle"-command is given before any "alfosc_camera_commands". If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the exposure will not start. DET
alfosc mdark [-t] [-n] [-f]<tt> <nn> Makes <nn> dark exposure of <tt> seconds. To abort the exposures press "Control-C". The image type (IMTYPE keyword) will be set to "DARK" if the exposure time is non-zero and "BIAS" if it is zero. If the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds, automatic remnant removal is done before the exposure starts. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If the option [-n] is used, there will be no automatic remnant removal. DET
alfosc mexpose [-t] [-n] [-f]<tt> <nn> [<imtype>] Makes <nn> exposures of <tt> seconds. To abort the exposures press "Control-C". The <imtype> option (IMTYPE keyword) is optional and must be a text string without spaces. There are reported problems with this command that have not yet been solved. If you experience this, please use the alternative command single-mexpose.Remnant removal is made before the exposure starts, if the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds. If the option [-n] is used, no remnant removal is done. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If [-f] is used, make sure that "alfosc.wait-camera-state idle"-command is given before any "alfosc_camera_commands". If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the exposure will not start. DET
alfosc readout [-d] Closes the shutter and reads out the ccd. You have to put the exposure in the background first. This is achieved by pressing Ctrl+Z in the sequencer where the expose command is running, followed by running the command bg. Note that this command does not work correctly when using a window in Y direction: data from a wrong window will be saved to file. DET
alfosc readspeed [-d] <readout_speed> Sets the CCD readout speed to <readout_speed> kpix/second. Valid values for <readout_speed> are 100, 200, 400 or 800. DET
alfosc remove_remnants Remove remnants from the CCD when saturation has taken place. DET
alfosc resetxy [-d] Resets the ccd binning to 1, the X and Y size to maximum and the X and Y beginning to 1. DET
alfosc xbeg [-d] <nn> Sets the X beginning to <nn>. DET
alfosc xbin [-d] <n> Sets the binning factor in the X direction to <n>. DET
alfosc xsize [-d] <nn> Sets the X size to <nn>. DET
alfosc ybeg [-d] <nn> Sets the Y beginning to <nn>. DET
alfosc ybin [-d] <nn> Sets the binning factor in the Y direction to <n>. DET
alfosc ysize [-d] <nn> Sets the Y size to <nn>. DET

In scripts, the syntax alfosc.<command> should be used.
If a part of a command is written in <angle brackets>, this is an argument that should be replaced with a value.
If a part of a command is written in [square brackets], this is an optional argument or flag.
When available, the optional flag -d will write extended debugging information to the log.
When available, the optional flag -e will show the script on standard output instead of executing the commands.
When available, the optional flag -t will only make a simulated exposure. Useful for testing scripts.

Type definitions:
DATA: All commands related to handling/modifying data (editing fits-headers, post-processing etc.).
DET: Commands related to operations with the detector.
DISP: Commands related to displaying images on the instrument computer.
INST: Commands related to operations with the instrument.
TEL: Commands related to operations with the telescope.

Back to top Last modified: January 26 2023