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ALFOSC/StanCam Imaging ALFOSC Spectoscopy MOSCA NOTCam

Triggering the NOT

What do I do?

  1. If the object is visible, call immediately the observing room of the NOT telescope

  2. Use one of the following email templates to execute the observation and modify the
    bold printed tags:


    Subject: Activation of the ToO program (51-504) of P. Jakobsson for GRB ??????

    Email content:

    Dear NOT observer and staff.

    This is a trigger of the GRB ToO programme (PI: Palli Jakobsson).
    For further details, please see:

    Please reply to to acknowledge the reception
    of this request. The target information and the observing strategy
    are reported below.

    Please let us know if you carry out time-critical observations.

    For any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile
    phone <***** insert your phone# *****>.

    Thank you for your collaboration,
    <***** insert your name *****> (on behalf of the Nordic GRB team)


    The purpose of the observation is to monitor [search for] the optical
    afterglow of GRB ??????. Please execute these observations as soon as
    possible. [Please execute these observations around ?? UT when
    the object becomes visible at the NOT.]

    Target information, including a link to a La Palma visibility plot and
    a finding chart (note that the GRB afterglow is a new object in the
    field, and therefore does not appear on the chart):

    < ***** insert the link to the correct webpage. Look at the
    GRB alert email, click on "More finding charts" and then
    on "GE" for the appropriate burst ***** >>


    The burst is localised to the following position:

    RA(J2000) = < ***** COORDINATE ***** >
    Dec(J2000) = < ***** COORDINATE ***** >
    Current uncertainty radius = < ***** ERROR RADIUS ***** >
    We ask for the following observations with ALFOSC [StanCam]:

    - R band: 3 x 300 s

    - I band: 5 x 400 s

    The commands to run the scripts are [TRIGGER PERSON: add
    GRB name, coordinates, and delete the appropriate instrument

    Go to ~obs/scripts/51-504

    And execute

    tcs.enter-object GRB?????? hh mm ss ±deg mm ss 2000 0 0 0

    [TRIGGER PERSON: for StanCam add]: tcs.setup-tel-stancam

    ./ GRB?????? R,300,3 I,400,5 dither=5-point:6

    ./ GRB?????? R,300,3 I,400,5 dither=5-point:6

    if the command is too long, write instead

    ./ GRB?????? U,360,5 B,300,5 V,360,5 \
    R,300,5 I,300,5 Z_SDSS,300,5 dither=5-point:6

    ./ GRB?????? U,360,5 B,300,5 V,360,5 \
    R,300,5 I,300,5 Z_SDSS,300,5 dither=5-point:6

    For more information on the various command options (e.g. dithering):
    [TRIGGER PERSON: delete the appropriate link]


    For calibration we request [TRIGGER PERSON: edit accordingly]:


    - R-band twilight flats (remember to dither between exposures)

    - I-band twilight flats (remember to dither between exposures)

    - 10 bias frames

    Please ensure that all the calibration data are transferred to
    our FTP account by activating remsave before the calibration data
    are obtained:

    rempath /data/service/calib

    When the calibration files have been acquired, please turn off remsave:



This webpage was last updated on July 16, 2013. Please send comments or suggestions to
