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ALFOSC Sequencer Command Documentation

Go to the SEQUENCER Reference Manual Main Page.

Instrument : ALFOSC
Observing Mode: ANY IMA SPEC POL
Description: SHORT LONG

alfosc imexam Initiates an IRAF imexam session on the loaded DS9 image. DATA
alfosc log-comment "Comment in quotes" [file1 file2 ...] Set a comment in the last image (or the specified ones, if any) using the LOGCOMME keyword DATA
alfosc object [-d] <text> Sets the FITS keyword OBJECT to <text>. DATA
alfosc photstd [-e] [-a mode] [-f filterIDs] Automatic exposure of standard stars.
  • [-a mode] Acquisition mode [optimal, nearest, TCS target]. Default is nearest.
  • [-f filterIDs] Sequence of filterIDs given in quotes. Default is "7 74 75 76 12" (UBVRi)
alfosc piname text Sets the value of the FITS keyword PINAME to "text". DATA
alfosc propid text Sets the value of the FITS keyword PROPID to "text". DATA
alfosc proptitl text Sets the value of the FITS keyword PROPTITL to "text". DATA
alfosc qicpol [<2ndfile>] Circular polarimetry quick-look tool. Calculates the circular polarization from two images, <2ndfile> and the one before. DATA
alfosc qilpol [<4thfile>] Linear polarimetry quick-look tool. Calculates the linear polarization from four images, <4thfile> and the three before. DATA
alfosc quickspec [<file>] Does a rough spectral extraction for file <file>, or for the last image written to disk if no file is specified, and displays the reduced spectrum interactively. DATA
alfosc quickspec-config [<options>] Sets parameters used in the quickspec script. See the ALFOSC Sequencer Command and Script Reference for a full list of possible options. DATA
alfosc rempath [-d] <nn> Sets the remote saving path to <nn>. DATA
alfosc remsave_off [-d] Turns off remote saving. DATA
alfosc remsave_on [-d] Turns on remote saving. DATA
alfosc reset-log Resets the talker/obslog and sets it for alfosc DATA
alfosc slitrot Uses the currently loaded DS9 image to compute the TCS field rotation angle required to align two objects (interactively identified by the user) along a slit. DATA

In scripts, the syntax alfosc.<command> should be used.
If a part of a command is written in <angle brackets>, this is an argument that should be replaced with a value.
If a part of a command is written in [square brackets], this is an optional argument or flag.
When available, the optional flag -d will write extended debugging information to the log.
When available, the optional flag -e will show the script on standard output instead of executing the commands.
When available, the optional flag -t will only make a simulated exposure. Useful for testing scripts.

Type definitions:
DATA: All commands related to handling/modifying data (editing fits-headers, post-processing etc.).
DET: Commands related to operations with the detector.
DISP: Commands related to displaying images on the instrument computer.
INST: Commands related to operations with the instrument.
TEL: Commands related to operations with the telescope.

Back to top Last modified: January 26 2023