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Arguments[-d] [pos] [ready] [action]
Short DescriptionMoves FAPOL carriage in or out with the [action] keyword. [action] can be 'in', 'IN', 'out' or 'OUT'. [pos] returns '1' if the carriage is in the lightpath, '0' if it is out. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready.
Long DescriptionMoves FAPOL carriage in or out with the [action] keyword. [action] can be 'in', 'IN', 'out' or 'OUT'. [pos] returns '1' if the carriage is in the lightpath, '0' if it is out. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready.
Depends On
Used Inalfosc.acquisition alfosc.allopen alfosc.calibexp alfosc.cirpolexpose alfosc.cirpolspec alfosc.focuspyr-setup alfosc.linpolexpose alfosc.linpolspec
Last Update2011-01-13 11:03:00
Back to top Last modified: November 28 2023