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ALFOSC Sequencer Command Documentation

Go to the SEQUENCER Reference Manual Main Page.

Instrument : ALFOSC
Observing Mode: ANY IMA SPEC POL
Description: SHORT LONG

alfosc abort [-d] Aborts an ongoing exposure (see also expose). DET
alfosc acquisition [-c] [-q] [-nofo] <slit> <tt>

Script for ALFOSC-spectroscopy target acquisition. Supported modes:
  - single-star long-slit
  - echelle
  - spectropolarimetry

  • -c   make a check image of the star and the slit.
  • -q   query the user for another iteration.
  • -nofo   do not execute alfosc.focus-offset
  • <slit-specifier>   unambiguous string to specify slit.
  • <exptime>   exposure time for target acquisition images.
Will first do a binned full-frame image and then another iteration on a 800x800 windowed image. The binned image is taken with 1/4 of the requested exposure time. The acquisition images are analysed interactively using slitoff, which will move the telescope and guide probe to get the star on the requested slit.
The user may request a check of the positioning by making an additional test image with the slit in the beam. In this case the slit will be left in the beam at exit of the script. The user may request an interactive query, which allows to do additional slitoff iterations, and in case a slit image is requested to do aditional slit images.
If a polarimetry slitlet is specified, the script will setup for spectropolarimetry. This script makes sure that the aperture and grism wheels are correctly positioned, and does not move any of the filter wheels for in case a (blocking-)filter has to be in the beam (which should be put in the beam before starting alfosc.acquisition). Exception: if a filter-wheel (cross-disperser) grism is in the beam, the filter wheel will be put to OPEN. Moves the calibration mirror out of the beam. Moves the FAPOL carriage in/out when necesary. Moves to the default internal focus for normal and specpol setups. Executes alfosc.focus-offset before the first acquisition image is taken, unless command-line flag -nofo is given. Exits with full-frame unbinned CCD settings, and autosave_on. Note: the slit specifier should be a unique string. A list of optical elements can be found here.
Usage example:
  alfosc.acquisition -c -q Slit_1.0 2   Makes acquisition with 2s exposure time, using horizontal 1.0" slit, shows check-image of the star and the slit and queries user for another iteration.
alfosc addtime [-d] <nn> Adds <nn> seconds to an ongoing exposure (note that <nn> can be negative too). DET
alfosc alfosc-calibs [-e] [-skip] <date-string> Script to do biases and spectral calibs for all setups and windows used in a particular night.
Of course, this script should not be used for previous nights in case optical elements have been changed since.
The wheel setups are checked for inconsistencies in current vs stored wheel position content.
Any such inconsistent setup will be skipped, with a warning on the talker.

Command-line arguments:
[-e]                 echo mode: only show what will have be done in case started without the -e flag
<datestr>   for expample 'ALwb13'

Spectroscopic and window setups are collected from the FITSheader database.
For all different window setups bias frames will be taken.
For all different setups with a grism in the beam, spectroscopic flats and arc-lamp spectra will be taken.

For flat/arc exposure times, alfosc.callampstimes is used.
Setups that are yet non-supported by alfosc.callampstimes will automatically be skipped, with a warning on the talker

When the flag -skip is given, the user is asked to specify interactively from which GRISM or WINDOW setup to (re-)start alfosc-calibs.

Is supposed to work also for spectropolarimetry.

alfosc allopen [-e] Will move all ALFOSC/FASU optical wheels to the OPEN position. Only wheels that according to the ALFOSC status are not already OPEN will be commanded to move. FASU wheels will always be commanded to move. INST
alfosc ampl [-d] <x> Sets the active amplifier to <x>, where <x> can be A, B, C, D, AB, BC, AD, CD or DEFAULT. DEFAULT is amplifier D DET
alfosc aperture [-d] [id] [name] [pos] [ready] [step][orient] <n> Moves aperture wheel to slot number <n>. [id] returns the NOT ID of the element in the light path. [name] returns the name of the element in the light path. [pos] eturns the position [0-7] of the element in the light path. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. [step] returns the step position [0-320000] of the element in the light path. [orient] returns the optical orientation of the element in the light path. INST
alfosc autoshow_off [-d] Turns off the automatic image display while reading out. If DS9 is running it will be terminated. DISP
alfosc autoshow_on [-d] Turns on the automatic image display while reading out. If no DS9 is running one will automatically be started. DISP
alfosc bin [-d] <n> Sets the binning factor in both X and Y directions to <n>. DET
alfosc calibexp [-e] [-f] [-n <nn>] [-o <ObjName>] [-lmi] <lampID> <tt> Script for making a calibration spectrum with ALFOSC. Possible arguments are:
  • -e      echo mode: do not execute commands, only echo them
  • -f      fast mode: script will return during the readout of the last exposure
  • -n <Nexp>   optional number of exposures (default=1)
  • -o <ObjectName>   optional ObjectName
  • -lmi   if set the mirror will stay in the beam at exit
  • <lampID>       with <lampID>=He/Ne/HeNe/ThAr/Halogen
  • <exptime>   exposure time
Sets the ALFOSC calibration items (mirror & lamps) up for a calibration spectrum, takes the calibration image(s) of which the last one in the background, switches off lamps, and per default takes calibration mirror out at exit. Switches autosave_on, and leaves it on. Moves FAPOL out if necesary. Sets header IMTYPE to FLAT/WAVE . If an <ObjectName> is given (double quoted if containing spaces), then the string will be added to the already present lamp specifier in the OBJECT FITS keyword. If CNTR-C is pressed the ongoing exposure will be aborted, and the calibration mirror will be moved out of the beam. NOTE: the last exposure will be taken in the background, so that instrument setup can be done during readout.
Usage example:
  alfosc.calibexp -n 2 Halogen 15   Makes 2 halogen flatfield images with individual exposure time of 15s.
alfosc callamptimes [-s ] [-xbin N] [-ybin M] <lampID> <grism> Returns the exposure time for a calibration lamp exposure for ALFOSC spectroscopy.

Accounts for grism and lamp type using the Overheads Table. Optionally accounts for binning. Optionally accounts for slit width, but only for Halogen exposures.

If the Table has a '0' entry for the requested grism/lamp combination, then the script will bomb giving the 'Unsupported setup' error. This script does not do any instrument setup. This script does not check any instrument setup. The output of the script solely depends on the command line arguments, regardless of the current setup.

alfosc clearobject [-d] Clears the value of the FITS keyword OBJECT. DATA
alfosc clearobserver [-d] Clears the value of the FITS keyword OBSERVER. DATA
alfosc comment [-d] <text> Sets the FITS keyword COMMENT to <text>. Will be cleared after each image. FEB 13, 2013: This command is currently unavailable. DATA
alfosc dark [-d] [-t] [-f] [-n]<tt> Makes a dark exposure of <tt> seconds. If <tt> is set to zero a BIAS exposure is made. If the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds, automatic remnant removal is done before the exposure starts. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If the option [-n] is used, there will be no automatic remnant removal. DET
alfosc display [<file>] Loads an image into the ALFOSC DS9 display. If no <file> is specified, the last image obtained will be loaded. If no DS9 display exists, one will be started. DISP
alfosc display-start Starts an empty ALFOSC DS9 display. DISP
alfosc ds9-for-mos This script start a dedicated DS9 display that is used for MOS tweaking DISP
alfosc expose [-d] [-t] [-f] [-n]<tt> Makes an exposure of <tt> seconds. Remnant removal is made before the exposure starts, if the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds. If the option [-n] is used, no remnant removal is done. To abort the exposure press "Control-C". This command checks if ALFOSC, FASU and FAPOL are ready before beginning the exposure. If 90 seconds occurs and it is not ready this command will time out. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If [-f] is used, make sure that "alfosc.wait-camera-state idle"-command is given before any "alfosc_camera_commands". If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the exposure will not start. DET
alfosc fasua [-d] [id] [name] [pos] [ready] <n> Moves FASU wheel A to position <n>. [id] returns the NOT ID of the element in the light path. [name] returns the name of the element in the light path. [pos] returns the position [0-6] of the element in the light path. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. INST
alfosc fasub [-d] [id] [name] [pos] [ready] <n> Moves FASU wheel B to position <n>. [id] returns the NOT ID of the element in the light path. [name] returns the name of the element in the light path. [pos] returns the position [0-6] of the element in the light path. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. INST
alfosc filename [-d] <nn> Sets the default file name to <nn> (four characters). DATA
alfosc filenamestd [-d] Sets the filename back to the default file name. DATA
alfosc focus [-e] [-n <N>] [-nodefault] [-t <nn>] [-a <mode>][-filter] Fully automated focus script for ALFOSC.
[-n <N>]: Number, <N>, of maximal loops, default is 3.
[-t <nn>] Expose <nn> seconds. Default is 10.
[-nodefault]: Start from actual focus rather than default focus.
[-filter]: Leave current filters in the beam
[-a <mode>]: Acquisition mode. <mode> can be:
  • noacq: Use current pointing for focusing.
  • nearest: Use nearest focus field from current pointing.
  • optimal: Use nearest focus field between 60-70 degrees altitude (default)
Focus is determined without any filter in the beam (except if the -filter flag is set). Filter and any other ALFOSC instrument & detector settings will be saved before running the focus script and restored at the end.
The 'focus' command is the recommended way of focusing the telescope. In case the command fails, for instance if too few stars are detected in the image, the focus can be determined in a more interactive mode by using the commands focuspyr-setup, expose, focuspyr, focus-position (see documentation on these commands for further information).

Usage example:
  alfosc.focus -n 4 -t 15 -a nearest   Focuses the telescope using the nearest focusfield, doing 4 loops with individual exposures of 15s.

alfosc focus-offset [-e] [-d <nn>] Optics in the beam introduces a telescope focus offset (see table). The 'focus-offset' command checks what is currently in the FASU and ALFOSC filter wheels and applies the corresponding focus offset (using foc-del) when possible. The focus offset introduced by a retarder plate in polarimetry mode is also accounted for. Be very careful when using this command. Focus offset for many optical elements are not known and as a consequence the telescope may in fact not be in focus even after using this command. If the focus offset is not known, 0 will be assumed. If this occurs, a warning message will appear both in the talker window and in the sequencer window. Several warning messages may appear if several optical elements in the beam have unknown focus offsets. The final telescope focus offset applied is the sum of the offsets for the element in each wheel, and may therefore be wrong if any offset is unknown. Do not use this command in scripts unless you are absolutely sure that the focus offset are known for all optical elements to be used.
If you intentionally wish to defocus the telescope (for instance when observing very bright targets), call the script with the [-d] flag, specifying the number of focus units to defocus the telescope with, for instance
focus-offset -d 200
will defocus the telescope with 200 units with respect to optimal focus. Reasonable defocus values ranges from 50-2000 units.
alfosc focuspyr Interactively examine a focus pyramid image to determine the focus offset required to bring the telescope in focus. The estimated best focus offset determined by the focuspyr-auto script will be presented on screen for comparison. DATA
alfosc focuspyr-auto [<file>] Computes the required telescope focus offset from a Focus Pyramid image <file>. If no input file is given (full path), the last image in the data directory will be used. DATA
alfosc focuspyr-setup [-e] [-filter] Script to setup ALFOSC for focussing.
  • moves the FocusPyramid in.
  • puts the aperture wheel to open position.
  • moves mirror and retarder out of the beam if they are in.
  • turns off all ALFOSC calibration lamps.
  • windows the read-out using alfosc.focuswindow.
  • by default puts all filter wheels (FASU A,B and ALFOSC) to open position.
  • if optional argument -filter is used, the filter wheels will be left as they are. NB: this mode will not touch the filter wheels even if there is filters in all 3 wheels!
alfosc focuswindow [-e] Script to set the ALFOSC CCD to readout only a central 800x800 pixel unbinned window. DET
alfosc grism [-d] [id] [name] [pos] [ready] [step][orient] <n> Moves the grism wheel to position <n>. [id] returns the NOT ID of the element in the light path. [name] returns the name of the element in the light path. [pos] returns the position [0-6] of the element in the light path. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. [step] returns the step position [0-320000] of the element in the light path. [orient] returns the optical orientation of the element in the light path. INST
alfosc hicut <value> Applies a minmax scaling to the loaded DS9 image and set the highcut to <value>. DISP
alfosc imexam Initiates an IRAF imexam session on the image currently loaded into the ALFOSC DS9. While active in the imexam session, no further commands can be issued from the sequencer window. To kill the imexam session type q on the image in the postprocessing display.


?       Print help
a       Aperture radial photometry measurement (see above for output)
c       Column plot
e       Contour plot
f       Redraw the last graph
j       Fit 1D gaussian to image lines
k       Fit 1D gaussian to image columns
l       Line plot
m       Statistics
            image[section] npixels mean median stddev min max
q       Quit
r       Radial profile plot (see above for output)
s       Surface plot
x       Print coordinates
            col line pixval [xorign yorigin dx dy r theta]
alfosc impath [-d] <text> Sets the path of the image saving to <text>. DATA
alfosc imtype [-d] <text> Sets the FITS keyword IMTYPE to <text>. DATA
alfosc killdisplay Terminates all instances of the ALFOSC DS9 display. DISP
alfosc killimexam Terminates all ALFOSC sequencer scripts related to imexam and the ALFOSC DS9 display. DISP
alfosc lamp [-d] [position] <n> <m> Turn on/off lamp no. <n>, where <n> is [1-4] and <m>='1' to turn on and <m>='0' to turn off. Current (29/10-2007) lamp setup: Lamp 1 is "He" Lamp 2 is "Ne" Lamp 3 is "Halogen" Lamp 4 is "ThAr Hollow Cathode". A timer will turn off any lamp after 1200 sec. Subsequent commands to turn on a lamp will result in the timer being reset to 1200 seconds. [position] returns a 4 bit pattern corresponding to the state of the 4 lamps: If bit no. 1 is set, lamp no. 1 is on, else off If bit no. 2 is set, lamp no. 2 is on, else off If bit no. 3 is set, lamp no. 3 is on, else off If bit no. 4 is set, lamp no. 4 is on, else off INST
alfosc locut <value> Applies a minmax scaling to the loaded DS9 image and set the lowcut to <value>. DISP
alfosc log-comment "Comment in quotes" [file1 file2 ...] When invoked with just the comment, it will be applied to the latest available image with a prefix for the current night (which starts at noon) and the sequencer's instrument.

If image names are provided, the program will test the existence of ALL them before applying the change.


        $ alfosc.log-comment "This is a comment"
        $ alfosc.log-comment "Comment for two" ALug170154 ALug170155
Notice that there's no need to add the ".fits" after each image's name

If no arguments are provided, a usage message is displayed

alfosc mdark [-t] [-n] [-f]<tt> <nn> Makes <nn> dark exposure of <tt> seconds. To abort the exposures press "Control-C". The image type (IMTYPE keyword) will be set to "DARK" if the exposure time is non-zero and "BIAS" if it is zero. If the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds, automatic remnant removal is done before the exposure starts. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If the option [-n] is used, there will be no automatic remnant removal. DET
alfosc mexpose [-t] [-n] [-f]<tt> <nn> [<imtype>] Makes <nn> exposures of <tt> seconds. To abort the exposures press "Control-C". The <imtype> option (IMTYPE keyword) is optional and must be a text string without spaces. There are reported problems with this command that have not yet been solved. If you experience this, please use the alternative command single-mexpose.Remnant removal is made before the exposure starts, if the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds. If the option [-n] is used, no remnant removal is done. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If [-f] is used, make sure that "alfosc.wait-camera-state idle"-command is given before any "alfosc_camera_commands". If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the exposure will not start. DET
alfosc mirror [-d] [pos] [ready] <n> Moves calibration mirror in or out, <n>=1 for in and <n>=0 for out. [pos] returns the position of the calibration mirror. '1' is in, '0' is out. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. INST
alfosc object [-d] <text> Sets the FITS keyword OBJECT to <text>. DATA
alfosc observer [-d] <text> Sets the FITS keyword OBSERVER to <text>. DATA
alfosc optics [-e] [-s <slit>] [-g <grism>] [-f <filterID>] [-d <wheel>] [-m] [-a] [-p] [-o] [-h] Searches ALFOSC and FASU wheels for optical elements. Returns the wheel (fi, fa, fb, ap, gr), the position (integer number) and the optical element. Optional output (with flag -a) returns also the alignment tag (Y/N). Optional output (with flag -p) returns the slit position (x and y). This script can also be used to turn the corresponding wheel(s) to searched position(s) with optional flag -m. Note that this moves only the corresponding wheels, leaving other wheels as they were. Flag options:
  • -g <grism>
    Searches the grism and the filter wheel with given <grism> e.g. "#4"
  • -s <sslit>
    Searches the aperture wheel with given <slit> e.g. 0.75
  • -f <filterID>
    Searches the filter, FASUa and FASUb wheels with filter <filterID> e.g. 76
  • -m
    Turns the wheel(s) so that the searched optical element(s) is in the light beam
  • -d <wheel>
    Displays the content of the wheel, <wheel> is the name of the wheel: filter/fasua/fasub/grism/slit (Cannot be used with flags -s/-g/-f)
  • -a
    Prints out the alignment tag (Y/N) in the output
  • -p
    Prints out the the slit position (x, y) in the output
  • -o
    Prints out the 'Open' positions for every wheel. (Cannot be used with flags -s/-g/-f)
  • -h
    Prints out help
Usage example:
  alfosc.optics -f 76 -g "#4" -s 0.75 -a -p
  fi 4 "R_Bes 650_130"
  gr 1 Y "Grism_#4"
  ap 0 Y 1050 1008.79 "Slit_0.75""
alfosc overlay [yes|no] Overlays the loaded DS9 image with seeing information and marks saturated objects. DISP
alfosc quickspec [<file>] Extracts spectra and applies an approximate wavelength calibration on an ALFOSC spectroscopic image using the iraf tasks apall and dispcor. If no file is specified, spectral extraction from the last image written to disk will be attempted. Extracted spectra are kept in the directory /data/reduced/alfosc/ on the instrument computer. Existing spectra will be overwritten if the task is re-run on the same file. The wavelength calibration is done using standard wavelength settings for the standard horizontally oriented central slits. The wavelength calibration is only approximate, and is most likely based on a slit that you are not currently using. Note that the slits have different Y-positions and hence different wavelength zeropoints, and that hence zeropoint offsets of for instance 200 Ångström are normal. The quickspec will leave the user in an IRAF splot session. To kill the session type q in the postprocessing graphics window. There are 2 ways of initiating quickspec. Automatic (see command quickspec-config auto=yes below), and from the sequencer command line. * When called from the sequencer command line, all input and output will go through that sequencer terminal. * When automatic, the input and output goes through the BIAS 'command' window. DATA
alfosc quickspec-config [<options>] Use this command to set the IRAF apall task parameters used in the quickspec script.
   auto=[yes|no] : Automatically run quickspec on incoming images
   kill=[yes|no] : Automatically remove previous quickspec windows
   default : loads default values.
Below parameters are specific for the apal iraf task:
   nfind=[1-10] (useful for Echelle spectra, MOS spectra, spectropolarimetry, and longslit spectra with more than one object on the slit)

If the command is issued without any options, current parameter settings will be listed.

alfosc readout [-d] Closes the shutter and reads out the ccd. You have to put the exposure in the background first. This is achieved by pressing Ctrl+Z in the sequencer where the expose command is running, followed by running the command bg. Note that this command does not work correctly when using a window in Y direction: data from a wrong window will be saved to file. DET
alfosc readspeed [-d] <readout_speed> Sets the CCD readout speed to <readout_speed> kpix/second. Valid values for <readout_speed> are 100, 200, 400 or 800. DET
alfosc remove_remnants Remove remnants from the CCD when saturation has taken place. DET
alfosc rempath [-d] <nn> Sets the remote saving path to <nn>. DATA
alfosc remsave_off [-d] Turns off remote saving. DATA
alfosc remsave_on [-d] Turns on remote saving. DATA
alfosc remsystem [-d] <nn> Sets the remote host computer to <nn>. DATA
alfosc reset-log The script will use infosys.kill to reset the monitoring system, then it will wait for a set number of seconds, and at last it will instruct the obslog to show the listing for alfosc, all the while informing the user about what is happening

If there's any error, the script will notify the user and suggest further actions.
alfosc resetxy [-d] Resets the ccd binning to 1, the X and Y size to maximum and the X and Y beginning to 1. DET
alfosc restore-uparm Populates the iraf uparm directory, used by the pyraf based sequencer scripts, with some known working parameter files. DATA
alfosc runselector <date> A command line frontend to set the PROPID,PROPTITL & PINAME fits keywords for the current observations. Choose the program being observed from a drop-down menu. The optional date argument displays programs for that date. DATA
alfosc runselectorUIF [alfosc|fies] <date> A GUI frontend to set the PROPID,PROPTITL & PINAME fits keywords for the current observations. Choose the program being observed from a drop-down menu. The optional date argument displays programs for that date. This GUI is started automatically when starting the observing system DATA
alfosc save [-d] Saves a read-out image to disk. DATA
alfosc setdisplay [<Xserver>] Set the X server on which the DS9 window will be displayed. If no <X server> is specified, the server from which the command is issued will be used. Note that the X server must allow for remote connections (use 'xhost'). DISP
alfosc single-mdark [-t] <tt> <nn> Makes <nn> dark exposures of <tt> seconds. To abort the exposures press "Control-C". The image type (IMTYPE keyword) will be set to "DARK" if the exposure time is non-zero and "BIAS" if it is zero. DET
alfosc single-mexpose [-t] <tt> <nn> [<imtype>] Makes <nn> exposures of <tt> seconds. To abort the exposures press "Control-C". The <imtype> option (IMTYPE keyword) is optional and must be a text string without spaces. This command is an alternative to mexpose that can lead to errors. DET
alfosc slitoff [slit=<nn> | xref=<x> yref=<y>] Calculates the telescope offset required to bring a target onto a given slit and performs the required telescope offset. The slit number <slitno> refers to the position of the requested slit in the ALFOSC slit wheel. Alternatively, an (<x>,<y>) pixel position can be given as reference. The script uses the currently loaded DS9 image and assumes this corresponds to an acquisition image of the field the telescope currently is pointed at. The target is identified interactively by the user through an imexam session. TEL
alfosc slitrot Uses the currently loaded DS9 image to compute the TCS field rotation angle required to align two objects along a slit. The targets are identified interactively by the user through an imexam session. DATA
alfosc snapshot [store|restore] Snapshot facility for ALFOSC. Uses the store and restore commands on the systems ALFOSC,FASU & CCD8. This command is useful to conveniently save the current state of the instrument and detector for later restoring, for instance after executing scripts that alter the setup. Note that this will only work as expected as long as the wheel contents are not changed! INST
alfosc tweakmos [-e] <MASKfile.fits> <FIELDfile.fits> The routine will first display the mask image, and the user has to identify the fiducial holes one by one, using the pointer (please follow the on-line instructions in the Sequencer terminal). Position the cursor over a fiducial hole and press 'a' (for centroiding) or 'x' (for cursor coordinates). This can be done multiple times until satisfied. When ready to go to the next hole press 'n'. Repeat until all fiducial holes are identified, and then press 'q'. When all useful fiducial holes are marked, the object field is displayed and the position of the first alignment hole will be marked with a blue circle. Now try to identify the corresponding star on the image. Position the cursor over the star corresponding to the blue circle and press 'a' (for centroiding) or 'x' (for cursor coordinates). This can be done multiple times until satisfied. When ready to go to the next star-hole pair press 'n'. Repeat until all fiducial stars are identified. For further information: DATA
alfosc wait-camera-state [idle|integrating|readout|not-integrating] The sequencer prompt will not be returned until the state of the ALFOSC camera matches the state given as an argument. This is useful in scripts, for instance to execute commands when the camera is reading out. For multiple exposures, the command will wait until the state of the last exposure is matched. Caution: Do not use this command to catch camera states that is expected to last only a short time (less than around 1 second). The state change may not be detected by the command, and the sequencer prompt may never be returned. Please note that waiting for the state to be 'readout' before an exposure is started will result in the command waiting forever. INST
alfosc wait_alfosc_ready [-d] Waits until all the following items are ready (not moving): FASU A and B, aperture, filter, grism, ALFOSC focus, FAPOL carriage and FAPOL polarizer. INST
alfosc wcs-align [yes|no] Display the loaded image using world coordinates such that North is up. Called with the [no] option, the image is aligned according to orientation on the detector. DISP
alfosc wheels [-e] [-s <slit>] [-g <grism>] [-c <crossdisp>] [-f <filterID>] [-d <diffuserID>][-nowait] [-forceFASU] Script to setup all 5 ALFOSC wheels, in quickest possible way. Possible arguments are:
  • -s <slit>   aperture-wheel item string
  • -g <grism>   grism string
  • -c <crossdisperser>   crossdisp grism string
  • -f <filterID>   filter ID number
  • -d <diffuserID>   diffuser ID number
  • -nowait   exit while wheels are moving
  • -forceFASU   force the FASU wheels to move even when at required position
Each wheel defaults to the OPEN position, unless it needs to be put to a different position as requested through the command-line arguments. Consequently, without any arguments alfosc.wheels puts all wheels to open. The script uses alfosc.optics to check the feasibility of the requested setup. If feasible, the wheels will be moved to put the requested items in the beam. If wheels are already in the correct position they will not be exercised, except for the FASU wheels when flag -forceFASU is given. If a requested setup is not possible, an error will result, and no wheels will be moved. Note: grism/slit strings should be unique. A list of optical items can be found here. Note: filter ID numbers can be found here. Note: the Focus_Pyr is considered a grism!! Note: for spectroscopy the horizontal/vertical requirements for the optical elements are tested.
Usage examples:
  • alfosc.wheels -f 74   sets up for imaging with filter #74
  • alfosc.wheels -g Focus_Pyr   sets up for focusing without filters
  • alfosc.wheels -s Slit_1.0 -g "#4"   sets up for spectroscopy with slit 1.0" and Gr#4
  • alfosc.wheels -s Slit_1.0 -g "#4" -f 93   sets up for spectroscopy with slit 1.0" and Gr#4 and blocking filter #93
  • alfosc.wheels -s Ech_0.8 -g "#9" -c "#10"   sets up for Echelle spectroscopy with slit 0.8" and Echelle Gr#9 and cross disperser Gr#10
alfosc xbeg [-d] <nn> Sets the X beginning to <nn>. DET
alfosc xbin [-d] <n> Sets the binning factor in the X direction to <n>. DET
alfosc xsize [-d] <nn> Sets the X size to <nn>. DET
alfosc ybeg [-d] <nn> Sets the Y beginning to <nn>. DET
alfosc ybin [-d] <nn> Sets the binning factor in the Y direction to <n>. DET
alfosc ysize [-d] <nn> Sets the Y size to <nn>. DET
alfosc zscale Sets the upper and lower limits of the loaded image based on the IRAF ZScale algorithm. (Displays the image values near the median image value). DISP

In scripts, the syntax alfosc.<command> should be used.
If a part of a command is written in <angle brackets>, this is an argument that should be replaced with a value.
If a part of a command is written in [square brackets], this is an optional argument or flag.
When available, the optional flag -d will write extended debugging information to the log.
When available, the optional flag -e will show the script on standard output instead of executing the commands.
When available, the optional flag -t will only make a simulated exposure. Useful for testing scripts.

Type definitions:
DATA: All commands related to handling/modifying data (editing fits-headers, post-processing etc.).
DET: Commands related to operations with the detector.
DISP: Commands related to displaying images on the instrument computer.
INST: Commands related to operations with the instrument.
TEL: Commands related to operations with the telescope.

Back to top Last modified: January 26 2023